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Becoming through Unbecoming

The story of the self

My True Self

My True Self
A clean slate

My True Self
One with Nature

My True Self
One with Creation

Oops !

Oops !

An Impression

Oops !

An Impression
Hiding part of my true self

Oops !

Oops !

Another Impression

Oops !

Another Impression
Hiding more of my true self

Another Impression

And Another

And some more

And more

My true self has been almost completely hidden

I feel suffocated

I want my original self back

Let me cover these impressions with some good impressions

Yeah, thats better.

But I still dont feel my original self.

Let me try some more good impressions.

That looks better

But its still not the same thing.

How about this ?

Or this ?

Or may be this ?

Or this ?

I dont think so

I am trying my best

I am trying my best
I dont seem to feel good

I am trying my best
I dont seem to feel good
I feel heavy under all these impressions

What should I do ?

Very Simple !


Good impressions are as bad

as bad impressions

They may hide the bad impressions,

They may hide the bad impressions,

but cannot remove them

Using our will power

Using our will power

ALL impressions need to be cleaned

The good impressions have to go

The not so good impressions have to go

One by one

A process of shedding our false identity

A process of unbecoming

To gradually

To gradually

Our Original Self

This Process of Unbecoming

This Process of Unbecoming

Can be significantly accelerated

This Process of Unbecoming

Can be significantly accelerated
With the help of

This Process of Unbecoming

Can be significantly accelerated
With the help of
A Capable Master


Sahaj Marg


Simple Path

As a bird needs two wings to fly, so a human being needs
the two wings of existence, the spiritual and the material,
to lead a natural and harmonious life

Remove weeds Cleaning

Wait and watch the seed grow

Patiently observe the results

Sow the seed

Introductory meditation sessions

Nourish the seed

Daily Meditation &

Result Of Cleaning


Prayer is Silent Language from
It connects us with divine
through heart
It sublimate our ego and
makes depend upon HIM.

How our Prayer

should be?

Power of Thoughts
Prayer is made of Thoughts and Feelings.
Our thoughts and feelings affect our
atmosphere Positive & Negative.
In return our atmosphere affect us!
Example Thoughts affects on Water


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