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Phase 5 Exercise: INDIVIDUAL DESIGN RESPONSE EXERCISE BRIEF BUS: Urban Interventions Studio — Bangkok Urbanism 21 November 2014 OPERATION Expanding on prior phases and while developing the Design Principles and Guidelines in your groups you will now tun your attention to interventions: critical résponses from an individual Perspective. This means you are essentially free 10 establish the topical entry points and parameters of a strategy, based on your understanding and specific interests of the Bangkok case(s). These interventions should consider the macro, mesa, and micro scales of the case. They should be process driven and consider the input and impact of the communities. They may include ‘a combination of architectural, urban, political, and social constructs, but at the very least should ‘seek to manifest themselves in more detail towards an inherently spatial manner. PROCEDURE / METHODOLOGY / OUTCOMES It is paramount that your ‘design response’ is a response to your understanding of the case that has deepened through your leaming from the previous phase exercises (and outputs of all the groups) and your own research on the case. It is especially important to reflect on the analytical and qualitative narratives of the socio-spatial profiles when developing your proposal. Consider the purpose, intentions and reasons for your proposal, and whom will be involved and impacted by the intervention(s). Do the interventions offer critique and inclusive alternatives to conventional planning? Do the interventions enable individuals to transform their situation (physical, environmental, livelihoods, etc. Are concepts of negotiation and collaboration clearly defined within the design strategies? Are they sustainable? Recognizing the opportunity for diverse entry points and approaches, the typology and scale of intervention and the methods of presentation are left open to the individual (see detail below). The proposals should be physically tangible, and the outputs for the exercise should be highly visual in character, informative and clear in their intentions. SUMMARY OF DELIVERABLES, This exercise incorporates a series of related deliverables. ABSTRACT In order to clearly convey your ideas for the individual projects, we require you to represent your conceptual and critical position in an abstract. Your abstract should appear ‘somewhere on your final presentation boards (.¢. like a competition abstract or artwork description). The word length should be 150-250 words. BLOG Each student should post their proposal abstract and 1-2 Images representing their work before Wednesday 10" December 2014 10:00. PRESENTATION BOARDS Presentations will take the form of an exhibition with invited external guests. In order to maintain a comparative visual field, we suggest the following format for the final output: ~ Each student will produce a Presentation Board equal to one AQ size paper / board (1189mm x 841mm), in a landscape format. This display could be created in various ways, such as 1no. AO board, 20. A1 boards, or a collection of A3 boards. No matter how it is produced it should be conceived as a single display panel (or max 2), and hung / presented neatly. ~ The presentation boards should include drawings/renderings, diagrams, and text. When conceiving your board layout anticipate your audience sitting approximately 114-2 metras from your boards ~ what can they see at that distance? How much text is too much? Is your font / colours legible? Are your diagrams clear and do they communicate correctly our intentions? = The space around your presentation board can be used to display process work (skeiches, collages, eic.), physical material (models) that you produce as wall as computers. for videos etc. Beyond the requirement of presenting on boards, students can interpret freely and creatively how the information is presented! PRESENTATIONS Using your presentation boards and other outputs as reference, each student will present thoir individual design proposal to a panel of invited guest, course tutors and fellow classmates. Students are encouraged to prepare in advance for their presentation, and should use their presentation bgards to help illustrate / explain their ideas. Each presentation will be approximately with an additional ¢eais for feedback, questions ‘and further discussion. Presentation|duration and order are ee ‘confirmed. La is ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ‘The Individual Design Response forms the term 1 coursework assessment materiel for the BUS module, and is worth 30% of the module mark ‘To complete this aspect of the submission you need to submit: = ACD with a PDF of your presentation boards and if applicable videos or images of any physical material to the module staif BEFORE presentations commence (at the beginning ‘of the day). = A low-resolution PDF version of the drawings (Max. 20MB!) on Tumitin BEFORE presentations commence. Please note that itis fine if images are blurred/pixelated on the ‘Tumitin submission, the work will bo marked from your CDs/hardcopies. REASONING. ‘© Toallow students to explore their creative potential in ways which are socially and culturally acceptable, economically viable and environmentally sustainable. + To encourage an active engagement with communities and challenging situations through the use of design tools. * To openly test initial ideas, and develop them to a level of further understanding, confronting more challenging aspects and establishing more clear/focused trajectories. And to allow for extemal advice, criticism, ideas and knowlodge to contribute to an iterative design process. * To think beyond conventional and straight forward practices. TIMEFRAME Introdu Friday 21% November _ Individual Tutorials Gdn 28 Novernbspend Giday 5° Bovonbet> Abstract Blog Posting Wednesday December 10:00 Assessment Submission (hard, soft and Turitin versions) All prior to Friday 12" December 9:00 Presentation Friday 12" December 9:00-17:00 (pinup @ 8:00am) & PUY materials On He boned,

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