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Opinion & Point of View

Grade 6- Social Studies

60-80 minutes
Jessica Bevans
General Learning Outcome

6.1 Students will demonstrate an understanding of

citizen Participation in decision making.

Specific Learning
Outcome (SLO)

6.1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental

principles of democracy.
6.S.4.1 Assess significant local and current affairs from a
variety of sources, with a focus on examining bias and
distinguishing fact from opinion.
6.S.4.2 Re-evaluate personal opinions to broaden
understanding of a topic or an issue.
6.S.8.1 Build opinions and present perspectives and
information in a variety of forms such as oral or written
presentations, speeches, or debates.

Lesson Objective

Students will learn how to differentiate between fact and

opinion. They will learn how opinions are formed and they
will evaluate and express their own opinions on the topic
of town curfews.


Materials for Students

Entrance slips

Materials for Teacher

Lesson plan

Textbook- Voices in Democracy (Action and Participation)


What is the difference between fact and opinion?

How do we build opinions and views?
How are opinions connected to the Charter of
Rights and Freedoms?

Prep classroom- Smartboard and resources.

Go over Agenda for the day.
Introduce the Unit- Current Events from a local, provincial,
and global perspective.

Ask students- Can you tell me what a current event is? Have a
small discussion. Explain briefly what it is if students are

having a hard time defining it.


Have the students fill out and hand in an entrance slip. Not
for marks and if you dont know something thats ok. I just
want a little feedback going into the unit.

- What is the difference between opinion and perspective?

- How do you/your family get the news?
- Can you tell me one current event and why it is important?
Part 1- Fact vs. Opinion
Define- Fact and Opinion.
Fact- Something that is a reality or a truth.
Opinion- A persons belief about something
- It does not have to be based on fact or knowledge.
Talk about opinions- What is a fact vs an opinion about your favorite
Fact-Opinion Game- Call on students (should just help solidify
Building opinions- Things that contribute to our opinions. Background,
results, and education.
Connect to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms- Part of their rights,
freedoms, roles, and responsibilities. Freedom of thought, opinion.
Part 2- Personal Opinion on proposed town curfew
Read textbook 108-109 together as a class and discuss the
major issues and facts brought up about a town curfew.
Have students work on their handouts individually. Their
worksheets will include:
2 facts (1 fact for accommodated students)
Reaction to the proposal
1 reason for their reaction.

Anchor Activity

Part 3- Talk about and share thoughts as a class before taking a

Collect folders and show students 2 videos:
1 for town curfews
1 against town curfews.
Silent reading at desk or creating

Assessment: Formative- Their entrance slips as well worksheets and discussion.

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