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Introduction practice ~ Lazaro Coto

My name is Lazaro Coto and I am Cuban only by blood where as my mother is from C
uba and my father was born in the U.S and actually lived out most of his childho
od in Texas. I never have had a serious hobby other than playing video games and
the piano. I have always found that I could never really stick to something I f
ound interesting. In a more profound definition, I always get bored of whatever ne
w things I try and I find that to be both a blessing and a curse (although I do
not believe in magic and am neither a deist nor a theist). It is a good thing to
me because I will, most indefinitely, keep trying new things; yet it is a probl
em because I can never seem to find many things I truly like. I did however com
e to love playing the piano. It is one thing I never have dropped and I have onl
y been playing for about three years, so only time will tell if I come to not en
joy that as well.
I also do not know what I will do with the rest of my life, but at least I
have the time to think that out. I was considering working with something relate
d to music, I love music so if I become better at it I could possibly teach it (
never to children, but then again you can always expand your clientele) or find
some way to make money off of it. I ve been told (by my teachers, so obviously it
MUST be true) that I write well and should become a writer, but I dislike sittin
g down and writing anyway and I couldn t write a decent narrative to save my life,
so I would be reduced to write other things. I always have had a liking to scie
nce; particularly biology, which I have found to like the most (out of what I ve s
een) and have been told to study that. I (like most people) hate math but I am r
ather good at it (yes, ever so competent) but I would never like to just do math
all day. I am fond of drawing and I m pretty good at it, yet I am not that into i
t, although I do draw a lot (in school mostly). In lieu of just inserting some r
andom closing sentence I would much rather write that I hope the summer goes wel
l (and that I didn t write anything wrong).
Note from Donis: Parenthesis
Use semicolons or commas to try and avoid using parenthesis to introduce new ide

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