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This is a contract made between Party A, [Lou Valerie Vano], and the Party
B, [Aezeriah May Loreto], for the bet of seeing who can like a guy longer.
The person is able to stop liking the guy but Party A and Party B are not
allowed to like another guy. If one of the Parties is unable to perform their
part they must give the other party 1 Dollar.
1. Party B is able to like a guy after Party B stops liking the guy who Party
B has liked since last year for a fair fight between both Parties.
2. Both Parties must be completely honest with each other
3. When any of the two parties like someone, the party must inform the
other party immediately.
4. No one can call off the bet
The bet officially starts on August 7th and ends at the end of the 2014-2015
ISPP school year.

Party A
[Lou Valerie Vano]


Party B
[Aezeriah May Loreto]




[Lou Valerie Vano & Aezeriah May Loreto]

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