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VERSION 2 (OCT 2009) versus v.1 (Oct 2008):
- Minor: Observatory latitude and longitude no longer need to be specified. They
are automatically taken from the IAU list of observatories.
- Minor: The current universal time and date are automatically filled in the Sta
rting Date as default.
- Minor: Added links to ESA and INAF so that the user can check which is availab
le and select it.
- Minor: Added links to NEODyS (Pisa) and its Spanish mirror (Valladolid) so tha
t the user can check which one is available and select it.
- Minor: The user's input is now saved from one run to another (so he can use th
e same input form again with minor changes).
- Major: Added three new observability factors: the star density (measured as th
e number of stars in a 10x10 arcmin field around the asteroid) to avoid Milky Wa
the distance between the asteroid and the Moon (when the Moon is above the hor
izon) and the illumination of the Moon (which is given besides its altitude at e
ach step).
VERSION 2.1 (MAR 2014) versus previous:
- Minor: Outputs also a list with unique selected objects (Ovidiu).

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