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HK01 Civil Engineering Programme

KA 40901 Environmental and Traffic Engineering Lab Journal Reports
Group Number E.g. Group 1

The title of your report here

List, Of, Group, Members, Here

Here you write the abstract of your group journal reports. Include the summary of your case,
methodology and results. As well as the conclusion of your works. You do not have to put the whole
methodology and results here, only the important ones. Use Times New Roman font with the size of
11 pt. Use 1.0 (single) spacing. The abstract must be within 100 words to 200 words. Make sure the
abstract is justified and there is only one paragraph in this abstract. Include keywords after the
abstract. You may have 3 minimum keywords and up to 5 keywords. Please be reminded that
keywords are not included in the number of words for the abstract.
Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, Keyword 4, Keyword 5

1. Introduction
Introduce the case your group is studying.
Include some literature review related to the
case as well. Do not forget to cite and put
references on the literature review. The
objective(s) of the study must also be included
together with the problem statement.

2. Methods and Materials

the methodology as how your group has

conducted it.
2.3 Materials
You may change the title and contents for the
sub-sections (i.e. 2.1. Methodology, 2.2.
Materials). It is not necessary to follow
exactly as in this template. However, the main
sections as bolded (i.e. 1. Introduction, 2.
Methods and Materials) are to be remained
and written as shown.

2.1. Format of the reports

Use this template for your journal reports. In
this report, use Times New Roman font with
11 pt and single spacing. Your content must be
double column. Put page number below every
pages at the right-hand side.
Put authors name and year in a bracket for
any reference or citation. E.g. (Stark, 2011).
Only put the authors last name. If there are
more than three authors, write et al after the
first authors name. E.g. (Sullivan et al, 2009).
2.2. Methodology
Here is where you will put methodology that
has been used to conduct your experiment. Do
not put the experiment manual here. Write

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Results
Present your methodologys results and data
here. Caption every table and figure inserted
into the report as shown below in Table 1 and
Figure 1. Make your figure as clear as

Table 1. Example of table and its caption.




urban area. Environmental Science and

Technology 87: 90 107.
Please bear in mind that the reference style for
books, articles, thesis or any other reference
sources might differ. Therefore once again,
please refer to the UMS style.
Good luck and all the best for your lab
P.S: Save your work in .doc or .docx file.

Figure 1. Example of figure and its caption.

For each table and figure, the captions were set
to be at the center.
3.2. Discussion
Analyze and discussed the results and data
obtained in the previous sub-section.
It is advisable to have supporting reason (from
literature / references) and if theres any,
remember to cite and put it in the references.

4. Conclusion
Conclude your work here. State if your
objective(s) mentioned in the introduction,
was / were achieved or not. If not, state the
possibility as to why it was not achieved.

List all of your references here. Use the UMS
Style for your references.
Author(s) Name (Year). Title of Paper. Journal
Name, Volume: Page numbers.
Example (Journal):
John Stark (2011). Case study on
environmental problems and its solution in

For your reference only. Do not submit this part with your journal
Rujukan merupakan bahan yang dirujuk dalam teks sahaja. Bahan rujukan hendaklah
disusun mengikut abjad. Temubual peribadi, Anonymousdan juga rujukan daripada internet
tidak dibenarkan melainkan sumber rasmi dan E-Jurnal yang diperakui.
Berikan semua maklumat yang lengkap yang mengandungi butiran seperti berikut:
Nama Pengarang (.) Tahun Penerbitan (.) Judul Buku condong (.) Penyunting, Penyusun,
Penterjemah, Penyelenggara jika ada(.) Nama Siri Buku dan Jilid atau Bilangan Dalam Siri
jika ada (.) Edisi jika ada (.) Bilangan Jilid jika ada (.) Tempat Terbit (Bukan Negara) (:)
Name Penerbit (.)

Contoh menulis rujukan:

a. Pengarang Tunggal
1. Ford, H. 1997. The International Jew. Johannesburg: Global Publisher.
2. Magurran, A. E. 1988. Ecological diversity and its measurement. London: Croom Helm.

b. Pengarang Bersama
1. Ahmad Fawzi Basri, Mohd. Idris Salleh & Shafee Saad. 1991. Bumi Kita Dipijak Milik
Orang.Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
2. Maryati, M., Azizah, H. & Arbain, K. 1996. Terrestrial ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidea) of
Poring, Kinabalu Park, Sabah. In Edwards, D. S., Booth, W. E. & Choy, S. C. Tropical
rainforest research-current issues. Monographiae biologicae (eds), pp. 117-123.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.

c. Edisi
1. Gilchrist, J. D. 1989. Extractive Metallurgy.(3rd edition). Oxford: Pergamon Press.
2. Barnes, R.S.K. 1984. Estuarine Biology (2nd edition). London: Edward Arnold.

d. Karya dengan judul sahaja (Tanpa pengarang)

Akta. 2001. Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 (Akta 171). Kuala Lumpur:
International Law Book Service.

e. Karya Susunan
Hamzah Hamdani (ed.). 1980. Esei Sastera Dalam Pengajaran, Penyelidikan dan
Pentadbiran Universiti. Kumpulan Kertas Kerja 2. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan

f. Karya Suntingan
Rose, R. (ed).1974. Electoral Behavior: A Comparative Handbook. New York: Free Press.

g. Karya Selenggaraan
Badriyah Haji Salleh & Tan Liok Ee (ed). 1996. Alam Pensejarahan Dari Pelbagai Perspektif.
Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

h. Karya Terjemahan
Wheare, K. C. 1980. Kerajaan Persekutuan.Terj.. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan

i. Karya Berbilang Jilid

Ensiklopedia Pembangunan Sabah.1981. Jld. 6. Kota Kinabalu: Usaha Baru.
*Nota: Jld. Bermaksud Jilid.

j. Kertas Kadangkala
Sharifah Rofidah Habib Hassan. 2003. Perayaan Di Sabah.Kertas Kadangkala Bil. 2. Kota
Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

k. Monograf
1. Zainah Ahmad. 2003. Politik Sabah Sebelum Penjajahan Jepun.Monograf 3. Kota
Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
2. Mohammad Raduan Mohd. Ariff. 1993. Teknologi Pengangkapan Ikan di Sabah.
Khazanah. Siri Dokumentasi Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Bil. 3, Kuala Lumpur:
Universiti Malaya.

l. Karya Dalam Jurnal

Mahani Musa. 1999. Malay Secret Societies in Penang: 1830s-1920s. Journal of The
Malaysian Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society. 65(2):151-182.
*Nota: Huruf tebal ialah nombor jilid dan nombor dalam kurungan ialah nombor keluaran
dan diikuti dengan nombor halaman selepas noktah bertindih.

m. Berita/Rencana Dalam Akhbar

New Straits Times. 2001. Sabah to Tap Potential in Health Tourism. New Straits Times. 3
October: 9.
*Nota: Nama Pengarang (.) Tahun (.) Tajuk Berita/ Rencana (.) Nama Akhbar (,) Hari/Bulan
(:) Halaman (.)

n. Bab Dalam Buku

1. Zaki Tahir. 2003. Pendatang Asing Di Sabah. Dalam Sharifah Habib Hasan dan Zainah
Ahmad (ed.). Kesan Politik. Kota Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah., hlm. 18-38.
2. Mustafa, S. & Ridzwan, A. R. 1998. Nucleic acid profiles in mackerel, Rastrelliger
Kanagurta, From west coast of Sabah. In Mohamed, M., Bernard, H. (eds.). Tropical
Ecosystem Research in Sabah, pp. 56-52. Kota Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
3. Sabihah Osman. 2000. Tawau: Pusat Kegiatan Ekonomi Orang Jepun. Abdul Halim (ed.).
Sabah dalam Perluasan Pasaran. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.,
hlm. 31.42.

o. Karya Dalam Pascasidang

1. Ismail Haji Ibrahim. 2000. Senario Seni Lukis Sabah: Stail dan Tema. Borneo 2000:
Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Borneo Research Conference. UMS. 557-586.

2. Homathevi, R., Maryati, M., Eggleton, P., Jones, D. T. & Davies, R. G. 2000. Termites
(Insecta: Isoptera) Fauna of Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, East Malaysia.
Borneo 2000: environment, conservation and land. Proceedings of sixth biennial
Borneo research conference. July 10-14, 2000. Kuching Sarawak.

p. Karya Dalam Majalah

Aliran. 2000. Sarawak native blockade pulp mill project. Aliran 20 (10:33)

q. Ulasan Buku
Badriyah Haji Salleh. 2001. Ulasan buku J. H. Drabble. 2000. An Economic History of
Malaysia,c. 1800-1990: The Transition to Modern Economic Growth. Hampshire:
Macmillan Press. Journal of The Malaysian Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society

r. Kertas Kerja, Laporan dan Minit Mesyuarat

Minit Mesyuarat Seminar Pascasiswazah. 2002. Minit Mesyuarat Seminar Pascasiswazah.
Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah Universiti Malaysia Sabah Kali Pertama.Kota
Kinabalu. Sabah. 5 Jun.

s. Tesis/Disertasi
1. Mat Zin bin Mat Kib. 2000. Perkembangan Mazhab-mazhab Agama Kristian di
Sabah.Sekolah Sains Sosial. Kota Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
2. Yap Beng Liang. 1977. Orang Bajau Pulau Omadal, Sabah: Satu Kajian Tentang Sistem
Budaya. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya.

t. Filem dan Karya Muzik

i. Filem
Ramlee, P. 1962. Laksamana Do Re Mi. Filem cereka. Singapura: Shaw Brother.
ii. Video
Muzium Sabah. 1968. Menangkap Ketam Batu di Mengkabong, Tuaran, Sabah. Filem
Dokumentari. Jabatan Muzium Sabah.

iii. Slaid
Pugh-Kitingan, J. 1976. Jenis-jenis Tarian Masyarakat Peribumi Sabah.Slaid. Sekolah Sains
Sosial. Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
iv. Karya Muzik
Johari Salleh. 1986. Lambaian Kasih dalam Citra Malaysia. Chorus dan Orkestra. Kassim
Masdor (konduktor). Laserlight Series 12036. Santiago: Delta Music Incorporated.
v. CD-Rom
MacRae, S. 1995. Introduction to Research Design and Statistic. CD Leicester: British
Pshychological Society.
vi. Temubual
Stephens, B. 1998. Kegiatan Mubaligh Kristian di Sabah. Temu bual. 25 Mei.
vii. Bahan Rujukan Elektronik
1. Keputusan Mahkamah Internasional atas Permohonan Intervensi Pemerintah Filipina
dalam Kasus Pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan (atas talian) Dicetak 13 September
2. Potter, L., Brookfield, H. & Byron, Y. 2002. The Eastern Sundaland region of south-east
*Nota: - Butiran bagi bahan rujukan elektronik hendaklah dicatat kesemua, termasuk tarikh
bahan tersebut dicetak.
- Rujukan elektronik dari laman web persendirian tidak digalakkan melainkan dari pihak
yang diiktiraf umum sebagai pakar atau pihak berkuasa atau mana-mana sumber rasmi.

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