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‘ert see Camp owt i teadorsnip Tower, ‘nee ty Stops basen npnyose aa e wo cna (On the lft side ofthe figure are four main approaches to leadership manager like Knowles can adopt. These are discused in detail below. Which approach il, Tes to effective leadership in a particule busines sting depen I) em the sar ‘eri of enployes sch as thei hl level, experience, qualicaions ad their dese Torscceed at work; and @ on the characte of thet sietien, sch athe kd of js employees perform and the degree to which they need to work together to gee things done. “The inplication of Figure Gis that a leader cannot simply adopt an approach to leaders hat eos dhe easiest st “confortable” becatse i atches hi oe het ‘wn personaly, belief, and s.0n. leader mit think careflly abot which lender ship approach to adopt beats it doesnot the work sting nexpocted kinds of ‘egatve employee reactions, such as those discussed eater, ay Zs To see bow Conungency they works, we need to fst examine the difecences been the four leadership approaches Four Types of Leadership Approaches ‘To appreciate the way these four approaches wo lenershp lifes, che different ways “Tony Knowles would function aa leader fe adopted each approach are desctibed below. The maia componente of ech approach ace also sunnutized ia Figure 4, DIRECTIVE LEADERSHIP The fist approach that Knowles could adopt is called ditise Indes Whe pursues hs proche leads inte flowing ay When his drivers arrive for their at day at work, Knowles introduces hamsel,

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