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Eliana Kim

Period 1

I dedicate this book to my family. Harold, my younger

brother, when youre in middle school, never feel left out or be a
bully. Remember your name tells your characteristic. Never be
afraid to stand up for yourself. To my readers and to all the
young teenagers throughout the world who goes through the
same problems as Kevin Remember your name is your
everything and never feel pressured by society.

Authors Biography:

Hi! My name is Eliana Kim. I am the author of this book. I

am currently an
grade student at Rise Kohyang Middle School in Koreatown, Los
Angeles, California. I discovered my love or writing when I wrote my 1st story on an online
fan-fiction app, Wattpad. I currently have 3 books published there. I also like writing essays
for my school writing exams. I have good grades for my 6th and 7th grade writing exams.

I wrote this book based on how middle school societies are currently now. I wrote about how
many students are discriminated, flooded with stereotypes, and have trouble finding their
identities. I, myself, know how these students feed. I am one of those students who were in
these incidents. I was discriminated for being smart, surrounded with many stereotypes, and
had trouble finding my identity. The main character of this book, Kevin, is a male version of
my early childhood.
After my readers read this story, I hope they know that they were not the only ones
in these problems. I hope they find their inner self, know how to stand up for themselves,
and never feel down. I wish they were like Kevin, who finds his identity through his name.
Best of lucks to my lovely readers!
Eliana Kim

Hi my name is Kevin, Kevin Hartson. I live in a

small, busy town in Westhills, California. If you dont
know where that is, its near Northridge. I go to the
best middle school there, Reynolds Middle School.

2015 is my last year of middle school. Today is my 3rd

last day of 8th grade. Throughout 8th grade, I thought
I would have a great last year, but nope! My whole
life was turned upside down. A few weeks ago, my
parents divorced. This broke my heart. I thought this
would be the only problem for the rest of 8th grade,
but again no. The school bully, Derek, thinks of rumors
and keeps of making fun of me. Oh wow! Speaking of
the devil here he comes

Hey twerp! Derek hollered from across the

I tried my best to ignore him, but I couldnt.
Everyone in the hallway stopped and stared back
and forth between Derek and I. I knew they were
waiting for the daily show.

You going to get some biscuits from Mr. Longman? Derek

said with a smirk. Woof!
I heard people snicker around me. As you can guess
already I am known as the schools nerd and teachers pet. All
thanks to the school jock, Derek Evans. I weaved around the
halted students to get to my next period, but I was stopped by
Dereks large chest.
Where do you think youre going jerk? he snarled right at
Let me go! I shouted.
Looks like youre in trouble Derek, said a familiar voice

I turned my head towards the voice and realized it

was my favorite teacher, Mr. Longman. My savior! I
thought in my head.
Mr. Evans you have detention for verbally
bullying a peer. Everyone else go to your next period.
He exclaimed with his loud, deep voice.
Awes spread through the hallways and the students
started to shuffle their feet.
Youre dead little rat! Derek said sharply as he
headed to his next class.

Oh why cant I have a great year at middle school

After two more torturous classes, it was finally

lunch. As usual, I got my lunch bag out and sat at the
loners table. I was calmly eating my turkey and
veggie sandwich when suddenly a shadow was over me

No! It better not be Derek! I thought with fear

overlapping me.

Hi! said a voice surely not Dereks.

I looked up and saw a girl.
Your Dereks victim right? she asked with her
squeaky voice.
If youre going to make fun of me stay away. I
finally spoke up trembling.
No. I wont make fun of you I want to be your
friend and help you stand up against Derek she said
I stood there looking at her with a blank face.

She must be pulling my legs!

Howd you know I want help? Are you an angel or a

physic? I asked with curiosity.
No. My name is Jennifer Rosen and for sure Im not an
angel. Maybe I am a physic. She replied back with a playful tone.
Ha ha. Very funny Jennifer. How are you going to help me?
I said sarcastically.
Well I can give you advice so you can get your revenge!
Ive been through this stuff so I can surely help you! she said
with hopefulness.
Ill think about it. I answered back thoughtfully and
walked to my next class.

At the end of the day, I walked 5 blocks east from

my school to my house I opened the front door and saw
my mom talking on the phone with her new boyfriend.
Mom! Im home! I shouted through the roars of
the air conditioners.
She covered her phone with her manicured hand and
turned towards me.
Honey! Dont shout when Im on the telephone! Go
do your daily routines! she yelled.
I felt my heart thud with heaviness. I did my so
called daily routines and went upstairs to my room to
think about Jennifers request.

I thought and thought of whether I should accept

the offer or not. She can be playing a joke or she can be
serious. I sat on my bed and lay down to think.
Eventually, I thought too hard and felt into a deep doze.

I woke up early in the morning to do my usual things. Over

night, I made my choice to accept Jennifers request. I walked to
my locker and found Jennifer waiting there. Thats weird. I
Hey Kevin. So what you going to say? Yes or no? she
asked with curiosity.
I accept your request. I replied with a stern tone.
Well that went well. Meet me here during lunch. Your
first 5 steps starts today. she said while smiling. We turned
around and went our separate ways.

During lunch period, I walked towards my locker

and found Jennifer already standing there. Together we
went to the cafeteria. We sat in the loners table.
We were going to start the lesson, but a familiar voice
interrupted us.
I see loser boy has as girlfriend. Derek said with
a quirky attitude.
Im surely not his girlfriend. Im his friend. If you
want to see me yelling at you then keep on talking. If
you dont want to see me flying into a rage then get
away!she said with frustration in her voice.
Oh tough girl! Derek said with a smirk. I like

Stay away from my friend Jennifer growled.

I stood up from my seat and yelled, Im sick of you.
I know you act all tough and everything, but youre
nothing but a cold hearted coward. I saw that Dereks
skin color was slowly fading.
Umm Umm he stuttered.
If you dont have anything to say then go away
coward. I said furious. Derek eventually ran out of
the cafeteria. By now everyone in the room was looking
at Derek with their jaws wide open.

Wow! Jennifer exclaimed with impressments. Looks like

you dont need my help anymore
Yup. I said with a smile on my face. At that moment, all
the teachers came into the cafeteria.
Attention all students of Reynolds Middle School. the
principal shouted through the mutterings. Tomorrow is the class
of 2015s graduation. she said.
And in the graduation, we present individual awards for
different categories. The vice principal said with enthusiasm.
And right now, we will be presenting these certificates.
Different teachers started to say unfamiliar names and handing
medals to them. I cant get any. I thought.
Right now we will be presenting the most presenting the
most rewarding awards. The principal said.

These 2 people will be making speeches in front of

everyone who is graduating tomorrow. the vice principal
said. The most helpful and conscientious student goes
to Jennifer Rosen.
Jennifers eyes were turning glassy and watery
while students were clapping. Jennifer received her
medal from the English teacher, Ms. Burrs. Jennifer ran
to me and gave me a hug. Awes spread throughout the

Last but not least we present the most intelligent

student award to the vice principal paused. Students
started to bang on the table to make the drum rolls.
Kevin Hartman! Mr. Longman shouted with excitement.
I started to smile and look at Jennifer. I received my
medal from Mr. Longman and gave him a hug. Out of
nowhere there was a bang of the cafeteria door opening.
It revealed a red, and embarrassed Derek.

The room became silent and the clapping stopped.

Derek walked towards me. I thought he was going to
choke me but instead he hugged me.
Im sorry for bullying you. I regret doing all the
horrible things to you. You deserve the award. he
mentioned while tearing up.
I started to hug him back. After the day was over, I
went right into my house, did my daily things, and
started to gather ideas for speeches. I was excited for
tomorrow that right after making my speech, I fell asleep.

I woke up early in the morning to practice my speech, but I

felt a doubt inside of me. A doubt that was saying I dont deserve
this attention. I went to school and saw everyone dressed well like
me. Jennifer came up to me with a smile brightening up her face.
Hi! she exclaimed with pure excitement.
I gave her a slight smile. She saw my smile and knew there
was something wrong.
Whats wrong? she asked me with a frown.
I told her the reason why I felt this way.
She frowned and said, I knew this would happen. So I went
ahead and thought of an encouragement. Kevin. Your name means
kind and gentle. You were exactly Kevin when you hugged Derek.
You can continue being like that for the rest of the day. she said
with a smile.

Jennifer went up the stage since it was her turn to make her
speech. I watched her saying all the things she was grateful to the
school. 10 minutes after her speech, it was already time for me to
take action. I glanced towards Jennifer before going up.
Introducing Reynolds Middle Schools 2015 Honored Student!
the principal introduced me.
The curtains opened and revealed me in front of over 500
loud and chatty audiences. Shushing spread across the room like a
plague. I cleared my throat and began.
Hello. My name is Kevin Hartson. My last 3 years
experience at this school was not a good time. It was more like a
roller coaster. My parents recently divorced and Ive been bullied
for some time. I was discriminated for my smartness and how the
teachers favored me. One of my friends Jennifer helped me
overcome that problem. Before this speech, I was filled with
doubts. I felt like I didnt deserve this attention. Jennifer
somehow knew this would happen. Kevin means gentle and kind.
This is how I forgave my bully. When people discriminate you,
never get revenge, but be kind and gentle. My name is my identity.
My name is my shield. My name is my identity.

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