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BRUCE LEE'S FIGHTING METHOD SKILL IN TECHNIQUES by BRUCE LEE and M.Uyehara OnARA J PUBLICATIONS, INCORPORATED SsnTA CLARITA CALIFORNIA DEDICALION ‘Toall the friend and students of Bruce Lee ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Our sincere appreciation to Joe Bodner, who spent so much fume in photographing and developing the film. Our appreciation fo oes to those who pariipated in this book: Dan Inosant and Ted Wong. They were both Brice Lee's devoted students. "To Rainbow Publications, Ine, for the use of several photo- (phe taken by Otiver Pang. Introduction ‘his book was in the making in 1968 and most of the photo agaphs wer sot then. Th ate rice Le Intended o publ hs took years age bal decided agin when he letmed th aia sis ntrcton were ung is sam 1 promote theme Tees {hile common to hear comments Uke? "taught Brace Lee or “Tyee Lae taught me jet une do." And Brice may never here tenor Known these mail tia, Bice dla want people to we his namo to promote Ahemarves of thee schools with fle pretense, He dae Want thm o aint stadents tis way, expec the young teen ‘Bu after his daath, his widow, Linda, fet that Brae hd contributed wo much ithe world of the marl ats hat t would tera geat low i the tnowlege of Bruce would dle wilt him Athougi the book can never replace the seta teaching td ‘mowing that Bruce Lee posed, i wil eance you, the serous martial aris In developing Your sil ning ‘Bruce always beloved that al ara atts tun ign for ano singe purpose defend themaclvs, Whether we at nso, arate, aide, kang fu tetra, our ulate goal o reper coursetes foray sation, "To. train yourself for (his goa, you must tein eeouay ‘Nothing staten for panel. "You have to ick or punch the Bag vith conceataed effort,” Bruce itd toy, "lf you sre ging iran without the concee that tas the wea! Dung. You ate ‘hortchanging youncit: When y0u Kick or puch the bag, Yau tae to imagine that you ae actualy hing so adver Helly concentrating, puting 10 percent ip Your hicks and punches, the only way you are going tobe good.” IE you have already red th fst wo volumes of Bruce Lae ighing Method, entlled Se-Defense Teehnigues snd Bate ‘rebing, you are now ready to continue Your lesson with (hs {rd book, Sill in Technique This hook explains te aye Truce Lee trained andthe ways be developed is puree le Included ao are techniques sparing and prying The next OF {tal book wil delve more Realy ino strategy I defense and agce Moe of fhe pote in this hook and the naxe have never then publhed efor TE you have not red Teo of deet Kune Do by Bee Le (Ohara uteaton, ine) pease Yad it I was mast to complemen tis ‘wok, and the knowledge ftom both books wil ie you a fall ete of Bruce's art set Kure Do sleet Kune Do was founded by Bruce Lee ‘eeauss he elt ‘the martial arts were too confined. ‘You can't fight pattom he wed to say ‘beemine ah attack can be baffling and not refined, Jeet Kune Do wos erated by Bruce Lee fo show us ‘that on old art must tonaform. Bruce Lee developed Jeet Kune Do Dut wished he didn't have @ name for itt Because the very words, Jeet Kune Do, indicate ‘ready that ts another martial ars form. “Any form or style does restrict ‘and hs beliefs now in confit. CHAPTER Vis Skilin Movement... 6... eve yes 10 Distance Footwork Ducking Sidestepping (CHAPTER Vi Skillin Hand Techniques... 6... 65 28 KD versus Glasical, Punching Staite Bad Habits ‘Trapping and Grabbing (CHAPTER Vl: Skil in Kicking Leading Side Kick To High Kick Hook Kick Spin Kick Other Kicks CHAPTER IX: Panying -. 20.0500 0e 0c. 0.54 Inde High Parry Inside Low Pacry TKD versus Classical Outside High Parry Parry and Blocking CHAPTER X: Targets Paka Primary Targets Vital Spots Correct Use of Arsenale 98 CHAPTER XI: Sparring Stance ad Habis source: Feinuna | Tho of eet Kune Do by Brace Lae Body Motion Boxing by Bain I Hallet ht es ‘SKILL IN MOVEMENT ‘Arnos in movement not tials; ‘thas to be learned ike omy other sk Practice you mut or it wil deteriorate; ‘ike any other tat, you have to dr, ‘Lear to move with a shuffle of your fot, ‘And don't despair if ou feel quite awkward ‘Soon youl be a master of deceit, ‘especialy when moving backward and forward. ‘Train, train, tran with great determination ‘and you'l be on top at your firs confrontation, Shil x Movement Skil in movernant is very important inthe ar of fighting tie Denily relied upon in attack, defense, deception and conservation cof energy. It your profiesmey in moblty oF footwork that ‘contingent upon the pricse dlatance between. you at your ‘opponent, The eratoy of footwork ix to take advantage of your ‘opponent’ footwork with your own, Your attack or defense may ‘be based on the opponent's foot pattern of advancing and backing off When you learn his foot pattem, adjust to it. You can then prs (advance) oF fall back (otreat just enough to facilitate a hit ‘The length of your step i coordinated to your opponent’ ovement, Intuition in moving forward and backward tr alo an {intuition of when to attack and when to defend, “A sla fighter never stays in one spot longs he in constant notion to balfle his opponent, causing him to misjudgo the stance. A moving target ie hardorto iit and by beingan motion, ‘you.can move mone quickly than from ase position, 'By varying the distance and timing of your movement contin foudy, you ean confuse your oppanent. You will disturb hie Depatation to attack or defend, keeping him off-balance, ‘You must practice footwork with punching «dicing Without footwork, the fighter i ike an immobile cannon which femnot be divctad at the enemy line, The speed sid power of {our punches nd keks depends on your nimble fet and balanced body. A. good fighter Hike Bruce Lee always seemed to do everything willy date, finese and grace. He moved into hie opponent and landed his blow without any effort and as easly moved out of range, He always seemed to outhit and outguess hi opponent. Hie timing was «9 good that he contzolled even the opponents shythmn, He moved with asurance and coordination, ' poor fighter, on the other hand, wets to move chumsly. He can't find the correct distance, telegraph his intentions and never coms 10 altthin hie opponent. Ineiaad of controlling is ‘nponent, Relets the chyponent contol him, Durance Distance continuously changes between two skilled fighters a¢ both attempt to sek the most advantageous position. ‘The best iden sto stay consistently out of range f the opponent's simple ranch but not too fer away 20 deliver an atack wih jut short, Step forward. ‘This distance is contingent not only on your own ‘Speed and ality but also that of your opponent. Th boxing the fighters stand closer to ech other Yan do martial sts, who utilize thelr feet to ick. The leg it longer than the sm so the martial artist has a longer each than x boxe. In jeet kune do, there are thre different distances infighting. Generally, the longest range is employed when you don'e know your opponent's prowess or his intention, os in photo 1 and you ‘rant tf!” of “test him out, In defense ii wiser to ata 100 faraway instead of 100 clove to your opponent, But ina lengthy sirugile, you are only safe at distance if you can really outelass {your opponent with speed and agity in movement. ven if you ae any dificult party x blow i YoU ae too nese your opponent, The on ho iitates the attack usually hat suv advantage in close quarters. But an attacker wh can’t properly figure out distance, will not wacceed even if he ie accurate, quick, tuts good timing and utilizes economy of movement. ‘Once you think that you have the “feel” of your opponent, you ‘move clover to him, to the medium distance, atm photo 2. Prom thie distance, you canbe just out of his range and yet close enough to launch an astack. Ire sae distance Ifyou can also apply good ‘Undag. A skilful fighter wil maneuver to entice me opponent to shorten the gap or distance unl the opponent ie too nea to mvoid the trap, This medium distance uso allows you to avoid any blow by a ‘quick sotreat or» backward burt. But to uae this defenive su im photo 3, the Gubler with the expertce of his hands will ‘Suto the ike, N martial artist, unlike a boxer, needs tobe alert to blows from tho elbows, knees, head, elcetera, in elowe-fghting, He alg has to be aware ofthe chwier of being thrown or grapple to the round. In boxing, the fighters have difficulty in closing in and once they are thefe, it 6 more difficult for them to remain there, In martial arts, since the feet are employed, It ix more dificult to strategy continuously is not always practicable because it deprives You of & counterattack or delivery of your own offense. In SKD you retreat just far enough to evade the blow But stay close though for counterattack. ‘Close distance fighting usually isa consequence of an attack o s cournterttack. Its harder to defend from thi distance unless you heve already trapped scr opponent's arms. Definitely, the vantage i to the one whd nists the attack ln clove distance, clove in than in boxing. But once Ube fighters re in close proximity, the fight or match i over quickly becuase the martial, Sata have too many’ offensive tactics to use In cloredighting st i impersive that you immobilize your opponents lead foot by placing yours next to his, a8 in photo 2. This prooedurw should be done automatically because at that clone range, Your concentzation wil be heavily on your hand tech

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