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1. Purposes of Reading Ahmad Sofwan sofwan1589@yahoo.

2. Purposes of Reading To search for simple information To skim quickly To learn from
texts To integrate information To write (or search for information needed for writing) To
critique texts For general comprehension
3. To search for simple information & to skim Typically scan the text for a specific
information or a specific word (e.g. a telephone directory to find key information) To skim
sampling segments of the text for general understanding A combination of strategies to find
the location of the information and use basic reading comprehension skills to obtain a general
idea about the text
4. To learn from texts Typically occurs in academic/professional contexts to learn a
considerable amount of information from a text. To remember main ideas & details of the
main and supporting ideas in the text Recognize and form rhetorical frames Link the text to
the readers knowledge base Carried out at a slower reading rate Makes stronger
inferencing demands to connect the text information with background knowledge

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