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est. 2014

# 2

DATE: 19th December 2014.

TITLE: The Diary kept by T. E. Lawrence while travelling in

Arabia during 1911 by T. E. Lawrence.

PUBLICATION: Garnet Publishing, 1993. 79 pp. GBP 20.

ISBN: YES [X ] NO [ ] 1873938241
Borrowed: Royal Library
FIRST SENTENCE: On a Wednesday about July 12 I left Tell

Ahmar and walked about an hour: then, feeling thirsty I went

to some Kurdish tents . . .
REVIEW (max. 150 words): This personal diary written
during his journey on foot in 1911 to Northern Syria, after the
British Museum wound up its excavations at Carchemish, show
Lawrence continuing his archaeological work on ruins that
were once castles, whilst trying to understand Arab people
and their customs. These first-hand experiences of an alien
culture would later become essential for initiating an Arab
revolt in 1916.
Robin Bidwells fascinating introduction suggests that these
collections of diary entries show Lawrence emerging as an
intimate and reflective character with a sharp eye to detail;
and venturing into what was the real reason for his presence:
spying on the Germans. Alas the diary is too short to fully
support such claims.
Published by Garnet Publishing in 1993 includes 13 key
photographs and letters to his mother. First published in 1937
by Corvinus Press in 203 copies of which 150 were for sale.
Reproduced in Oriental Assembly.

QUOTES: Got the Sheikh to send if possible and find my tele-

photo tape: very unwilling, for he wanted me to stay over the

day, or permanently in the village. Has offered me two firstclass wives in his gift. The women here are extremely free,
handling ones clothes, and putting their hands in ones pocket
quite cheerfully. Also they never pass on without speaking.

RATING: Very good. 3 stars.

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