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Robert Fabian

Jl 20, 2014


tti fangelsum endurhfa fanga

Lgreglan stugt a segja flki, fangelsi er staur fyrir refsingu. Hins vegar, etta er ekki satt.
sumum vestrnum jum eins og Bandarkjunum og Frakklandi, refsing kerfi er nota
fangelsi. etta kerfi virkar ekki, essi afer er ekki mennta og endurhfa fanga.
sumum lndum eins og Noregi, eir nota ara afer. Norska fangelsi kerfi reyna a
endurhfa, fra og hjlpa fanga. essi afer virkar tkst. Fanganna yfirgefa fangelsi
hamingjusamur og endurhfa. Flestir fangar aldrei aftur fangelsi n.
Fangelsi kerfi eirra sannar, fangelsum tti endurhfa og hjlpa fangelsi flagi. etta hjlpar
fangelsi flagi og dregur glpi samflgum.
Einn Halden fangelsi lisforingi sagi, mehndla eins og glpamenn, eir munu hega eins
og glpamenn.
Fangelsi tti a vera staur til a endurhfa og hjlpa fangi flagi, ekki refsa eim.

English version
Should the punishment system be use in prisons?

Constantly law enforcements tell people prisons should be a place for punishment. However this
method does not help the prisoner and can turn them into violent criminals.
In some western nations like the US and France, the punishment system is use in prisons. Most
prisoners are most likely to be rearrested once leaving prison. The punishment system is
ineffective and can increase more crimes in society.
Some countries currently are using alternative methods that help prisoners and reduce crimes. In
Norway, the prisons dont use the punishment system on prisoner. Instead the prisons attempt to
rehabilitate prisoners into becoming better people.
In Halden Prison, the prison mates are rehabilitated and educated. They also get to explore fun
activities and attend counselling sessions.
One of the prison guard said If you treat them like criminals, they will act like criminals.
The punishment system should not be used in prisons.
Prisons should be a place where prisoner are educated and rehabilitated. This method has many
positive results in helping prisoners and reducing crimes.

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