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1st Lesson Plan Template


zlem YETER
Merve VEZR
Seray Bra UYKAL

English Language
Unit Title
Grade Level
7 grade
2 lesson hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
By the end of the class, when 7 grade ESL students are given 10 target words with their explanations and fillin the blanks activity they will be able to;
-differentiate future tense from past tense
-talk about superstitions (basically by using the words given)
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
-Prezi (discussion questions and general information)
-Spicynodes (general plan of Prezi presentation)
-Studyblue (target words related to Superstitions)
-Fill-in blanks activity papers ( based on future-past tense comparison and target words usage)
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
-Game (in back-up plan)
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Write teaching activities in a detailed way.
Individual Learning Activities

-Fill-in-blanks activity papers based on both future

tense structure, and the usage of the target words that
are determined by student book. Students will be
given ten minutes to complete the exercise that
consists of ten words about superstitions. After being
sure that majority of the class is done with the
exercise, students will be asked for their answers and
the feed-back will be provided after each answer
coming from students. In the text of fill-in blanks
activity, both past tense and future tense will be given,
and sentences will be translated while giving feedback.

Group Learning Activities

No group activities in this class

General knowledge about the unit is given. Words that are planned to be taught are shown and explained. A
fill in-blanks activity is applied. And one minute paper (evaluation of the class) is required and collected.

Measurement & Evaluation

Write the measurement and evaluation methods you will employ in that lesson.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for
Individual Performance

-Answers of the students to the fill-in blank activities

-Answers of the students to the discussion questions in
-The one-minute paper, based on course knowledge and
skills evaluation.

Measurement & Assessment Activities for

No group performance in this class
Group Performance
Homework (optional)
No homework
At the end of the class students will be asked to write a one minute paper by which they are required to
write what they learnt and what they did not understand during the class period. These papers will be
collected and they will be the general feed-back to the teacher about the class and how much was learnt.
Students will not feel distressed because they will know that they will not be graded for the paper.
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
Definition of Superstitions is given and students opinions about the topic are asked by using Prezi
presentation. Most known superstitions in the world are introduced. Students will talk about superstitions and
their own beliefs. Then, words that are decided to be taught (by school book) are shown in flashcards by
Studyblue. Before giving exact meanings of the words, whether they know the words or not is investigated.
Then, each word is explained and example sentences are given. Then, fill in the blanks activity papers are
distributed. Ten aimed words will be written on the top of the exercise paper. The text on the paper, will be
based on future and past tense and it will include blanks to be filled with aimed words. Students will fill in the
blanks individually; the answers will be discussed after majority of the class is done with the activity. Students
will be asked to participate to give answers; and they will get the appropriate feed-back for their questions
and answers. Students will be asked to underline each verb and decide on its tense. Each sentence will be
translated into Turkish by teacher orally, so that students will be able to differentiate future tense from past
Back-up plan: Same topics will be explained in a conversational way. The aimed words will be written on the
board, from the school book. Students will be asked to offer a sentence for each word to be written on the
board. Then, a game will be prepared. The game is as following: A student will be given by teacher one of the
words and he will not tell that to his/her friends, instead s/he will describe it and its meaning or shape and
other students will try to guess the meaning of the word. This game will be applied for each of the words that
are planned to be taught.

2nd Lesson Plan Template


English Language
Unit Title
Grade Level
7 Grade

zlem Yeter
Esra Solak
Merve Vezir
Seray Bra Uykal

2 lesson hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
By the end of the class, 7th grade ESL students
-will have general knowledge about worldwide superstitions (after presentation)
- will be able to understand at least sixty percent of a conversation which is about superstitions and held on
future tense (after practicing over GoAnimate video video)
-will be able to pronounce the new words they are introduced to (by reading aloud activity)
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Write teaching activities in a detailed way.
Individual Learning Activities

-Students will be asked questions about their preknowledge on superstitions of countries, they will
share one anothers ideas in the class.
-A video prepared by GoAnimate will be shown. Then,
some comprehension and discussion questions about
the video will be asked to the students.
-The word-picture matching activity in school book will
be operated by students.
-The dialogue in school book will be read aloud by
No group activities in this class

Group Learning Activities

Students opinions are asked about other countries superstitions, the vocabularies taught previously are
questioned indirectly, a conversational video is shown and discussion questions are asked for the
comprehension of the heard information.
Measurement & Evaluation

Measurement & Assessment Activities for

Individual Performance

Measurement & Assessment Activities for

Group Performance
Homework (optional)

-Discussion questions about the superstitions of different

-Comprehension and discussion questions about the
dialogue that takes place in video
-Activities in school book
No group performance in this class
No homework

Both the comprehension of last classs vocabulary, usage of future tense and listening skills will be evaluated
by the video.
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
Students will be asked whether they know any superstition or a different belief that belongs to a country.
Infographic created by means of will be shown and superstitions around the world will be introduced.
Students will be asked their opinions about those superstitions and which of them sounds logical to them and
why. Vocabulary taught in previous lesson and future tense & past tense will be used in the video created by
means of After the video is shown, comprehension questions about the video will be asked.
By these questions students will need to answer by using both past and future tense. Towards the end of the

class the activities about word-picture match in school book will be operated and the dialogue will be read
aloud 3 times by different students. The pronunciation mistakes will be corrected after each mistake.
Backup: Outputs of infographic will be distributed and done by hand. If students have difficulty with
understanding the concept of future tens, a little guessing game will be held in the class. Sentences will be
written on the board which lack verb and time expression (tomorrow, a week later, next year etc.) but the
word will will be written for all sentences that are in future tense.

3th Lesson Plan Template


zlem YETER
Merve VEZR
Seray Bra UYKAL

English Language
Unit Title
Grade Level
7 grade
2 hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
By the end of the class, 7 grade ESL students after having conversational exercise and observing example
sentences in future form, will be able to
- ask and answer most of the questions about the future,
-make predictions about the future in a correct sentence structure.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
-Fortune papers
-Google Forms
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
-Cooperative Learning
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Individual Learning Activities

Group Learning Activities

-Little fortune papers, on which future predictions

written, will be distributed in the class and students
will share it with one another.
-In groups of two students, one student will ask
questions the other one about him/her and by
following the answers, the student who asks questions
will make predictions about the future of the other

Students are grouped in pairs, they are required to make future predictions about one another by using simple
future tense. Students will observe different kinds of sentences in future tense by the means of fortune

papers. A vocabulary quiz will be held. In the end of the class students will be required to write a paragraph
about their own futures and what they want to in the future as homework.
Measurement & Evaluation
Measurement & Assessment Activities for
Individual Performance
Measurement & Assessment Activities for
Group Performance

-The quiz consisting of ten questions based on the words

that were taught in previous lessons
-The feed-backs that are given to the conversations in

Homework (optional)

Students will write a fictional paragraph by using past and

future tenses that is about themselves by using the words
that were given in the class.

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
Firstly, students will work in pairs, and ask questions to each other. Then, based on the answers they get from
one another they will make predictions about the future of their pair by using future tense (-Do you like
reading books? Yes Do you like studying? Yes Would you like to do experiments? Yes You will be a
scientist in the future.) Secondly, the teacher will bring a box full of papers on each of which there will be a
fortune telling sentence in future tense form. Each student will pick one little paper from the box. Students
will read the papers and exchange them with their friends, so that they observe different structures of simple
future tense. Thirdly, a quiz on vocabulary items will be applied. At least 7 of 11 questions are expected to be
answered correctly to be regarded as a good level of comprehension of the unit. Lastly, students will be
required to write a paragraph about themselves in future tense (their predictions, hopes and plans) about
future as homework.
Back-up Plan: If things do not go as planned, a handout will be given to the students. There will be a dialogue
about future predictions on the handout. Students will act out the dialogue in front of the class. After that,
students will be asked to write a little paragraph by using simple future tense and given vocabulary items
about superstitions in the class.

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