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Follow up (since 2nd September 6th September, 2014)

The patient had improvement had receiving treatment, fatigue is decrease.

Patient complained hearing decrease and tinnitus in September 3th 2014, we transfuse
PRC 450cc, pastient not fatigue again, but patient complained hearing decrease and
we concule to ENT specialist and the result is observasi tinnitus. Sensorium is
compos mentis. Patient on bed rest in intravenues fluid. Large abdominal (+).
In general examination we found sensorium is compos mentis, blood pressure
is 110/80 mmHg, pulse rate 84x/minute, Respiration rate 26x/minute, and
temperature 36,8o C.
In physical examination we obtained pale of conjungtiva palpebrae (+),
jugulare vein in normal limit (5-0)cmHg, Abdomen is convex, hepar palpable in 3
fingers in bottom of arcus costae, lien palpable in 8 schuffner.
Treatment of this patient is still divided into non pharmacology and
pharmacology therapy. Non pharmacology patient bed rest,

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