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Christmas Letter 2014

New Years Letter 2014

January: Twenty-fourteen started out well for Scott and mewell at
least for me with MSU winning the Rose Bowl
. We also had a
lovely visit with Scotts cousin Emily who was in town for the first time in

20 years
. We attended Legendary Confusion where I was on
several panels (science and literary) including one entitled The CSI
hockey at the Joe

. We then watched some quality MSU v U of M


February: February was a tough month but it did feature our

traditional Valentines Day pizza and board games


, and mead with friends

, some beautiful

March: In March we were able to go see Porgy and Bess with Scotts
parents, my niece and nephew were baptized
, and we spent
some time visiting Scotts sister and brother-in-law in Chicago. We also
took a spontaneous trip to Lake Michigan to see the crazy ice formations


Ahh, lovely springanyways, April brought with it my

nieces first communion

and Easter

, and the

transformation of Winter Scott back into Summer Scott


In May we purchased a new duplex and participated in a

5k where they throw colored powder at you called Run or Dye

We also had a super fun time at Scotts folks farm visiting

and playing board games

was her sponsor

. Also my niece was confirmed and I

June: In June we were fortunate enough to see the century plant

at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens bloom, and Scott took me to

Toronto for a secret mini-vacation

July: July was a particularly awesome month as I not only got to spend
time with all of my nieces and nephews


, but also had my

. Additionally there was a birthday golf outing with my

mom, sister, and niece

, DetCon1

, and a lovely baby

shower for my sister-in-law where I actually sewed a burp cloth.

Scott and I also ran in the Warrior Dash for the second year in a row

which was a lot of fun

August: August can be summed up in two words: BSCon



September: Over Labor Day Weekend Scott went to South Carolina to visit his
brother, sister-in-law, and nieces whilst I stayed in MI and worked, but by the fourth
he was back and we went to see the wonderful Piano Guys in concert at the Fox with
his parents, other brother, and sister-in-law. We then helped friends to warm their

new house in Farmington Hills

October: October was a busy month with many surprises including a

surprise birthday party for a family friend and second mom

surprising Star Wars themed concert

surprising MSU football win over U of M

, and well, maybe a not-so-


November: November in our house means NaNoWriMo, but also this

year I hosted my first book launch party at the Barnes and Noble in Ann
Arbor which was incredibly exciting
. We also made a quick
appearance at UConn where we taught some newbies how to play my

favorite game, Arkham Horror

, just before I headed off to Florida

for some R & R and quality time with my folks

Friends, Family, Furry Babies, and one Grumpy Potato.

Overall 2014 was a sad year for Scott and me as we said goodbye to some
loved ones for the final time, so were arent sad to see the end of this year.
We will, however, try to focus on all the wonderful experiences that we
had this past year and concentrate on making more of them in 2015.
Hope you will do the same.


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