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1. Grab (1) purple sheet and (2) white sheets of paper

2. Grab your notebook
3. Eat your breakfast
4. Tell your group what to do if theyre lost.

Essential Question

8.15.A identify the influence of ideas from

historic documents, including the Magna
Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the
Mayflower Compact, the Federalist
Papers, and selected AntiFederalist
writings, on the U.S. system of

Heads Together
In your groups talk about..
A time when you followed someone
else and something good happened

What it said
protect their rights and property
against a Tyrannical king.
Everyone gets a fair trial (Due


1st time in history the people

told to their KING NO!

What it said

Was the first written framework

of government establishing selfrule in the United States.

People have the right to create
the laws that they follow

Write a summary of
what Ive said in the
previous 3-5 minutes.
Summary = Topic + What about the topic?

What it said
The English Bill of Rights limited the
power of the English King
Englishmen had certain inalienable rights

These protections are roots of those in
the United States Bill of Rights

What it said
Argued for a strong central

Helped convince Americans that
the Constitution should be

1. Partner A turn to Partner B.

2. Tell your partner the two most important things
you have learned so far about

3. Switch roles.

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