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Barry Schwartzs lecture On our loss of wisdom states that wisdom and

brilliance should act together. Only in that way we can achieve great things. Having
all the knowledge wont help anyone if there is no wisdom to guide it. I do agree with
his statement and I will present some arguments to support my decision.
Firstly, I agree with the statement that a wise person knows when and how
to make the exception to every rule and he is referring to breaking points when
obeying a rule would do more harm than good. Thats the purpose of the law, to
bring the good and that cant apply all the time because the law has flaws, it cant
predict every situation and the genitor or the lemonade examples are good
examples for this assertion.
Moreover, improvising is in my opinion one of the most important factors of
success because the contexts are always changing and as in the jazz player
example, we have to adapt in every situation. 165 Also, using the moral skills in
pursuit of the right aims and the fact that were made not born means that we
develop out behaviour and skills in time, were not born with them.
To conclude with, I agree with Barry Schwartzs lecture that too many rules
prevent us from improvising and that we have to wait to do whats right in the right
way for the right reasons and not to follow the law. Nevertheless we have to
distinguish between our responsibilities and what serves our interest.

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