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Powerpoint activity
1.a. I told my mom good evening as she opened the door from a long day at work. I offered her
some of the cake I was eating and I hugged her.
b. to tell the person to leave, or insult them, or to tell the that their work is not good.
c. an outsider may not understand the gesture of me offering the cake I was eating as a statement
that says I know you are tired and hungry.
d. I was acting kind and putting myself in her shoes to understand the situation.
2.a. I asked a professor about an assignment
b. the topics that dominated the conversation was about the subject and how to perform the
assignment. I could not have pursued topics from situation 1 since the relationship is quite
c. I try to have a respective language as he is a professor and I am just his student.
d. I used a respectful deminer
3.a. Nonverbal hello to the security guard at the guard post in my village
b. I assumed that he is a bit tired because of the nature of his work
c. eye contact, smile, head nod, turning of body to face the same direction, and posture
d. silent

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