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Collection Development

Polices in Law Libraries

Advantages of CDPs for Law Libraries
Rationalisation of resources in the selection process
CPDs can assist law firm in applying for consistent selection
criteria across diverse formats. From eliminating librarian
personal bias, co-ordination of service access with other
institutions, highlighting archival responsibilities in historical
material storage and negotiating with suppliers about
licensing shared information especially in a mobile
Investigating the benefits of CDPs for law
technological environment.
firms and the reasons why they could be
Allow response to changing budgets through financial
underused in law libraries.
They act as a financial control mechanism for ordering and
processing payment for materials in a profit-making
organisation that may have changing budgets. Furthermore,
they can act as a budget allocation tool for practice areas
A collection development policy is a strategic ensuring informed collection development due to the firm
document that enables the library to obtain
business needs.
resources and maintain its collections in line
with immediate goals and reflect institutional Communication with clients colleagues, staff and users
CPDs act as a communicative training tool to align decisions
with library goals. Thus acting as advocacy tool to explain to
stakeholders (particularly users and partners) the purpose
of the collection itself and its use of funds.

By: Tavian Hunter

Why are they not used in Law Libraries?

No reference point
There is no starting point or comparison to be
made with other similar organisations, thus
perpetuating the idea that it is not a priority to
have on in the public domain.
Competitive disadvantage
Competitive disadvantage for a profit-seeking
organisation to share with external organisations.
Lack of priority
Lack of time to formulate and update a CDP with
frequently changing legal research, business
activities and unpredictable client needs.
Consequently, casting doubt on whether a policy
would bring additional benefits.
Insufficient literature for specialist libraries
Underrepresentation in law library and special
collection CDPs in collection develop literature

Hollingum, J. (2013) Collection Development Polices in Law Firm
Libraries: Do We Need Them?, Legal Information Management,
13, 62-65

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