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Some people think that social networks such as Facebook have a negative

impact on individuals and our society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Technology has revolutionised the system of social networking in the form of

facebook.Undoubtedly , theses changes have productively affected the
Majorly through this way people are getting more chances to express themselves
and interact with the other members of the society. For instance, I can talk to my
friends in different countries through the conference call on the Skype,
simultaneously .Which otherwise could not have been possible without this
application of social media. It is bringing people together ,therefore ,it becomes
the first reason to go against the main idea.
Moreover, social media is serving as a major source of entertainment. For
instance, on instagram people can share their interesting photos whereas at
orkut personal video can be uploaded. As a result people get something for them
to engage in which is interesting .Consequently, such mediums are highly
sought after sources of entertainment for the masses.
On the other hand , it could become a source of time waste. Because some
people are seen glued to theses applications to the extent that they ignore other
special aspects of the life such as work ,studies, eating and exercise. However
this issue could be brought under control if special time is allocated to all the
necessary activities including the use of these social mediums. Hence , the
negative influence gets diminished to the great extent.
Considering the above arguments it is disagreed that social websites have a bad
influence on the societies .Infarct, it is doing more good than the harm it does.

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