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est. 2014

# 3

DATE: 27th December 2014.

TITLE: Who Goes There? Seven Tales of Science-Fiction

by John W. Campbell, Jr.

PUBLICATION: Shasta Publishers, USA. 1948. 230 pp.

ISBN: YES [ ] NO [X ]
Borrowed: Royal Library
FIRST SENTENCE: The place stank. A queer, mingled stench that

only the iced-buried cabins of an Antarctic camp know,

compounded of reeking human sweat. . .
REVIEW (max. 150 words): Every winter, at the first sight of
falling snow, I watch John Carpenters The Thing. In a room,
illuminated only by candles, and armed with popcorns, I am
absorbed by Antarctica: a desolate, inhospitable, God . . .
awful place as Robert Falcon Scott once described it. The
Thing scares me every time.

It is therefore natural that I would pick up the novella that

inspired Carpenters film: Who Goes There? is a tale of
survival in the Antarctic: A group of scientific researchers,
discover an alien spaceship buried in the ice, where it crashed
twenty million years before.
Seven of Campbells best short stories are to be found in this
collection, though entertaining are sadly not on par with Who
Goes There?
First published in the magazine Astounding in 1938 under
Campbells pseudonym Don A. Stuart. Shasta Publishers published this collection in 1948 in 3000 copies of which 200 were
signed by Campbell.

QUOTES: What was it planning to do? Barclay looked at the

humped tarpaulin. Blair grinned unpleasantly. The wavering

halo of thin hair round his bald pate wavered in a stir of air.
Take over the world, I imagine.

RATING: Very good. 3 stars.

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