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Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks

January-February 2015

Sharing the Good

1 Corinthians 2:1-2
Portraits From

Praise & Worship

Fragrant Life Womens Ministry Newsletter

Koinonia Review
Fruit of Her Hands

Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks

Portraits From

sage simply.

When he had finished and had given the alter call,

I watched in amazement as thousands upon thousands of people responded. Two things clicked in my
And I, brethren, when I
What Kind of Inn4
head that night, one, Mr. Graham was a vessel used
came to you, did not come by God to bring many into His kingdom. Number two
keeper Will You Be?
with excellence of speech or and more importantly, he was utterly and totally deof wisdom declaring to you
pendent upon the power of God to do so.
Joyful Books
the testimony of God. For I
I know I will always have faults and shortcomings. I
determined not to know anyknow
that in myself dwells no good thing. I know that
thing among you except JeIm
as knowledgeable in the scripture as I could
sus Christ and Him crucified.
God Calls Us
be, and a lot of times I just dont know what to say
1 Cor. 2:1-2
when sharing with others. But I do know that I dont
save people God does. He and He alone has the
Sharing the Good 7
power to do so. All he needs is a willing and obedient
Ever since I was first
vessel. He will do the rest.
saved, I have loved people
that share the Lord with othPaul says in 1 Corinthians 2:4-5, And my speech
ers. I love them because
my preaching were not with persuasive words of
Calvary Chapel Info 8
they love Jesus, and I love
wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and
and Calendar
them for their passion for the of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom
lost. I love them for their
of men but in the power of God and Paul was the
boldness and the ease with
greatest evangelist that ever lived.
which they approach comThat crusade was many years ago, but I still rememplete strangers with the good news of the Gospel. My
the changes that happened in my heart that
prayer has always been that I would be such a pernight.
I love to share Jesus with people. Do I still trip
over my words, yes, do I still fear rejection, and the
In 1985 Tom and I had the privilege was attending
answer is a resounding yes. But you know what, I am
the Billy Graham Crusade at Anaheim Stadium in
so glad because I never want to think its me.
Southern Calif. I remember how excited I was. Finally it
I want to encourage each and every one of you to
was time for Mr. Graham to take to podium and delivtake
a step of faith with someone every day. They
er his message. I remember thinking how ordinary he
reject you now, but they will thank you later.
looked. No robes, or funny hats, or pomp and circumGod
bless you beyond measure.
stance, just an ordinary man preaching the Gospel
message to the thousands of people who had come
to hear. He didnt dazzle us with his enticing words or
Love Sandie
charm us with his wit; he simply preached the mes-

P age 2

Frag ran t Life Wo me n s

S harin g the Go o d Ne ws

Praise & Worship

Here Is Love (Robert Lowry)

Here is love vast as the ocean,

On the mount of crucifixion

Loving kindness as the flood:

Fountains opened deep and wide.

When the Prince of life, our ransom,

Through the flood gates of Gods mercy

Shed for us His precious blood.

Flowed a vast and gracious tide.

Who His love will not remember?

Grace and love like mighty rivers

Who can cease to sing His praise?

Poured incessant from above.

He will never be forgotten

Heavens peace and perfect justice

Throughout heavns eternal days.

Kissed a guilty world in love.

1 John 4:7

Beloved, let us love one

another, for love is of
God; and everyone who
loves is born of God and
knows God.

Womens Koinonia
Christmas Koinonia 2014

and that was right in the very beginning when she raised her fist and she
said, If you see this fist shaking, it is
because I am afraid, but God told me;
fear not, for I hold your right
hand. We find this truth in Isaiah
by Mary Jane Robinette
41:13 NLT For I hold you by your
right hand, I the Lord your God, and
On Saturday December 13, 2014
I say to you, dont be afraid. I am
the women of Calvary Chapel Reno/
Our speaker was Leah Bradley and here to help you. What a wonderful
Sparks gathered together in the
what a delight she was as she started
Church caf, to fellowship, share won- out with some old remembrances from truth for us to carry with us every day
that we are not to fear because God is
derful holiday foods, have extended
my younger days, of Art Linkletter
walking right there beside us holding
worship time, and hear the message of with his program, Children Say the
our right hand. I pray that all of us
God shared with us by Leah Bradley. Darndest Things. The laughter was
who attended this wonderful Womens
Christmas is such a special time to refreshing, and her message was inChristmas Koinonia had open ears and
spiring. She spoke on Choice
gather together with our sisters-inhearts and came away with one special
Christ. The love that permeates from Points, and the message that came to
me was we have choices on how we
each table is nourishment in itone speself. Love is a miracle healer and it love and serve the Lord. And in doing
cial messo we are to Bow to Him, Believe in
is a joyous gift that we share with
sage that
Him, Obey Him, Practice saying yes
those in our lives. I know I was
was deblessed to be there and felt the love of to Him, and Worship Him in how we
signed for
live and work. Why? Because He
Jesus Christ spread throughout the
each one
room. The worship music had to be a wants us to be with Him forever. In
of us.
blessing to our Lord. The music was closing let me share the one special
loud, it was jubilant; it was filled with highlight for me that I got from Leah,

We Have Come To
Worship Him

adoration, praise and thanksgiving for

the celebration of the gift of love we
received, our Lord Jesus Christ, our
Savior, our Redeemer, from our Abba
Father. Precious are always those
memories that we share together
when we praise Him as one chorus
in joyful harmony.

S harin g the Go o d Ne ws

Frag ran t Life Wo me n s Mini stry

P age 3

Salomon & Rosario Ojeda

If you would like to help support them financially you can by mail or online through
Shepherds Staff:

At this time, Salomon and

Rosario report that they are
about the Father's Business and
have been kept very busy. They say that we are
all in their thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray for their safety and that there would
be revival in the heart of the people in Tejaro,

Shepherds Staff,
P.O. Box 53640,
Albuquerque, NM 87153-3640
(All checks must include the missionarys account number which can be written in the memo
section of the check. Their account number is

You can email them at:


Fruit of Her Hands Ministry

March 14, 2015
Bracelets of Faith for the
Single Moms Ministry
May 16, 2015
Spring Fabric Wreaths
for Our Homes

September 12, 2015

Soup Fellowship
for Friendship

November 14, 2015

Lap Blankets of Hope
for the Needy
Sign up Sheets, Supply Lists, and Maps will be
available on the Womens Ministry Counter
4 weeks prior to each event.
Time: 10am-2pm
Location: The Gardners Home

Fruit of Her Hands is a giving Ministry

where women come together for worship, a
short devotional and a time of creative
Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own
works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:31

P age 4

Frag ran t Life Wo me n s

S harin g the Go o d Ne ws

What Kind of Innkeeper Will You Be?

When I sat down and asked the Lord to show me
what He would have me write about, SHARING the
GOOD NEWS, He told me, Look up the word
SHARING. And that is where I will begin.
SHARING in the Websters 1828 Dictionary is described as: Partaking; having a part with another;
enjoying or suffering with others. When we truly
SHARE the GOOD NEWS, the gospel message of the
LOVE of Jesus Christ with others, it means that we
are taking part in anothers life to the point of actually suffering with them and hopefully, if the message
is received, enjoying with them the abundant life
that Christ came to offer.

road also. Perhaps he was afraid to get involved;

perhaps he too was busy and did not take the time to
when a certain Samaritan saw him, he had compassion. I believe the Samaritan represents our Jesus,
The ONE who comes to us when we have made
wrong decisions and have been beat up by our sin
and He shows compassion on us. The Samaritan got
involved and went to him and bandaged his wounds,
pouring oil (a symbol of the spirit) and wine (a symbol of Christs blood); and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. He
even gave the innkeeper 2 denarii to take care of
him. One commentary said this would be enough for
24 days at the inn, and he told the innkeeper if that
wasnt enough, the next time he was in town he
would give him whatever it took to take care of him.
I believe the Innkeeper is a picture of us. We have a
choice to either take that gift we have been given
and SHARE THE GOOD NEWS, get involved in others
lives, even in their sufferings; or we can squander the
gift using it for selfish gain. If we believe that the Samaritan, our Lord, is truly returning, then we will use
the precious gift of the Gospel we have been given
and SHARE THE GOOD NEWS with others because
we want them to also be partakers in the LOVE OF

In order to be a part of anothers life we need to

be willing to involve ourselves in their life. This reminded me of the passage in Luke chapter 10 of the
Good Samaritan. Jesus shares about a certain man
who was traveling alone from Jerusalem to Jericho,
on a road that was known for its thieves and bandits; not a very smart thing to do. This traveler
would represent us, the ones who dont do very
smart things at times. The thieves stripped him of his
clothing, beat him and left him half dead. Then Jesus
shared about a priest, one who is supposed to represent God to the people, and when he saw him, he
passed by, on the other side. Could it be that this
priest, knowing that if he touched him, he would be
deemed unclean for seven days, said in his heart,
Im too busy, I dont have time for this man, missFor the love of Christ compels us, because we
judge thus: If One died for all, then all died; and He
ing the opportunity that God had for him to truly
died for all, That those who live should live no longSHARE the GOOD NEWS of the LOVE OF GOD.
er for themselves, But for Him who dies for them
Then a Levite, one who served in the church, of the
and rose again. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
tribe of Levi, who could have even been a worshipper
singing and playing instruments in the church, when
Simply His, Pam Snyder
he looked, he passed by on the other side of the

S harin g the Go o d Ne ws

Frag ran t Life Wo me n s Mini stry

P age 5

Joyful Books Book Club Ministry

Joyful Books Book Club Ministry
We meet on Wednesday mornings in the Womens Ministry Room from 9:30am-10:30am. You are welcome to
drop in anytime.
Contact person is Kelly Gardner (775) 843-0650.




Chapter 1 Brokenness


Chapter 2 Cups Running Over


Chapter 3 The Way of Fellowship


Chapter 4 The Highway of Holiness


Chapter 5 The Dove and the Lamb


Chapter 6 & 7 Revival in the Home/Mote & Beam


Chapter 8 & 9 Willing Servant/Power of Blood & Lamb


Chapter 10 & Epilogue Protesting Our Innocence

This is an updated edition of a book written by

Missionary and evangelist Roy Hession in 1950
in which he profiles the nature of religious revival and lays out the prerequisites and consequences of the activity of God in the heart of the
hungry seeker.

1 pound of fresh cheese raviolis
1 cup milk
4 ounces Cream Cheese
6Tbsp. grated Parmesan Cheese, divided
tsp. black pepper
6 ounces of fresh baby spinach
1 cup cherry tomatoes sliced
COOK pasta as directed on package.
MEANWHILE, heat milk and cream cheese in large
skillet on medium heat until cream cheese is melted and
mixture is well blended, stirring occasionally. Stir in 1/4
cup Parmesan and pepper. Add spinach; mix well.
DRAIN pasta. Add to spinach mixture; mix lightly. Top
with tomatoes and remaining Parmesan.

You can make this recipe either
traditional or gluten free, by
substituting gluten free raviolis.

P age 6

Frag ran t Life Wo me n s

S harin g the Go o d Ne ws

God Calls Us
that moment of confessing with our
mouth that we leave behind us the
mass of those that live of the
world. Being sealed with the Holy
by Mary Jane Robinette
Spirit, we become saints, sanctified
in Jesus Christ by Gods calling. Immediately we become stuBefore we were even conceived dents of the Bible. We experience
in our mothers womb, God chose growing pains in our walk with the
Lord and come to know that we no
us and called us to be His
own. Not everyone opens the door longer want to live of the world,
to their heart when God calls them. but to live in the promises of the
Consequently they are lost to live Word of God. We soon understand
that God calls us to serve Him in
under the reign of the evil one in
this earthly kingdom, and are des- sharing the good news of the gospel.
tined for their souls to face the
eternal fires of hell. But for those
As we grow in the Lord we are
that feel Gods tugging on their
only students of Gods Word,
heart and accept the invitation to
but we become teachers of Gods
allow Jesus completely into their
life, heart, mind, body and soul, as Word. There should be no fear in
our growth in the Lord. When we
their Lord and Savior; that day is
spend time in the Word as students
their rebirth into the newness of
life and becoming a child of God. of the bible we gain the knowledge
of the promises of God. We become teachers through the help of
Romans 10:9-10 that if you
the Holy Spirit at those appointed
confess with your mouth the
times when God places us before
Lord Jesus and believe in your
someone that He has called and is
heart that God has raised Him
from the dead, you will be saved. searching for answers. We are
never alone in sharing the good
For with the heart one believes
unto righteousness, and with the news of the bible for we are filled
with the Holy Spirit and He will
mouth confession is made unto
give us the abilities, the words we
need at the moments we need
In this confession we agree that them.
we are sinners; that we come in
Being saints of Jesus Christ we
faith believing that Jesus died for
His followers. He is our Shepall of our sins, past, present and
future. We recognize that He bore herd and we are His sheep. He has
given us so much food to feed on
our stripes on His body, and that
in His Word and it is there that we
we as sinners nailed Him to the
are nourished to learn, and then to
cross. We believe He rose again
go out and share the message of the
and one day will come again to
take His church to heaven. It is at saving grace of Jesus Christ. God


created us to know Him, to love

Him and to serve Him. God didnt
chose us by who we are, or what
we do in life. He chose us because
He loves us and His only desire is
for us to be the beacons that shine
the light of His Son Jesus Christ to
others. Matthew5:16 "Let your
light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Sometimes it isnt what we
share in words, it is simply by our
example in the way we live our life
as Christians. Our goal every day
in our walk is to glorify God so
that others see that God is love. It
is through our example that others
will come to know who Jesus
Christ is, God made man.
The Apostle Paul made a powerful testimony when he said in 1
Corinthians 2:1-2 And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not
come with excellence of speech or
of wisdom declaring to you the
testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything
among you except Jesus Christ
and Him crucified. The Apostle
Paul spoke simply in sharing the
gospel message with others, and
we should use his example when
we are given the opportunity to
speak to others about Jesus Christ
and their salvation. Just like Paul,
this is how we can glorify Jesus for
what He did for each one of us on
the cross. There is no greater gift
we can give to a family member, a
friend, a stranger, but Gods gift of
(Continued on page 7)

S harin g the Go o d Ne ws

Frag ran t Life Wo me n s Mini stry

P age 7

Sharing the Good News

go out into the world and share the
good news of the gosHis only begotten Son, Christ Jepel. John 17:18 I also have sent
sus; crucified to death on the cross them. Pastor Solomon and Roto redeem us.
sario are now living in Tejaro,
Mexico where they are planting a
As I close, my thoughts are with
Calvary Chapel church and sharing
our brother and sister, Solomon
with joy in their hearts what Jesus
and Rosario Ojeda who gave up
Christ did when He died on that
everything here in the United
wooden cross. Not all of us are
States, their home, their jobs, leavcalled to completely change how
ing their precious family here and
we live and where we live. But we
answered Gods missionary call to
(Continued from page 6)

are called twice, first to accept the

saving knowledge of Christ as our
Lord and Savior; and secondly we
are called to share the amazing
news about the Road to Salvation. I
love to speak of Jesus, He is the
way, the truth and the life. God
will use me, and He will use you,
to be His messengers to share the
good news that will bring life to the

life, destroying the beauty He had created and intended it to be. His choice for a remedy was a very tender, heartfelt, and extremely painful one, in which He
saw no other way than to send His precious sinless
Son to die on a cross, wiping out the grip of that ugly
By Beverly Chong
sin. God ultimately conquered sin by allowing our
willing Savior to die instead of us, determining that
whosoever believed in His Son Jesus and accepted
I just love butterflies! When my granddaugh- Him as Savior, would never have to face exile from
Him, but would forever be with Him in Heaven when
ter was only two and a half years old, talking like a
magpie very early, she could name many of the but- it is all said and done. You see, eternal death is waiting to grab and trap all of whom reject this costly free
terflies that caught her always searching eye. I regift God had planned for a long time ago, sending His
member her screeching in excitement, shouting as
Son to pay our debt of sin on the cross. But that wasfrom the roof tops, Butterfly, butterfly, come back
butterfly. She had a book, my daughter read to her nt the end of the story. Jesus victoriously rose from
incessantly that named and described each butterfly. that death and commissioned us to go into all the
She loved to explain to me how the butterfly was real- earth and proclaim Him, proclaim Gods word. In
ly a worm, trapped within a blanket. And when that other words, we are to shout it from the roof tops that
worm was changed into a beautiful butterfly, it wig- Jesus is Lord and Savior of all, and He is coming
gled itself out of the blanket and flew away, looking back for us one day soon. This is the Good News.
for pretty flowers to land on. That cherished memory Jesus is alive and He wants us to share that Good
calls to mind Psalm 139:15-16 (Living Bible), You news with everyone we come into contact with.
Share it with words, or share it with actions, but share
were there while I was being formed in utter secluit all the time. In season or out of season, whether we
sion! You saw me before I was born and scheduled
each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every are going through great trials or have come out of
some difficult or devastating trial. He lives, Hes vicday was recorded in your Book.
torious and He wants to live in us and through us,
This verse calls to my heart, as the butterfly
helping us to share with the whole world what He has
memory does, that God, in His great love for us, felt done for us
He needed to do something about the sin that had apHave a very excited, Shout if from the roof tops,
peared and wrapped itself so tightly around mans
kind of day!

Sharing the
Good News

Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks

November-December 2014

Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks

220 Edison Way, Reno, NV 89502
(775)856-1110 FAX (775) 856-2031



MONDAYS: 5,12,19,26

Womens Bible Study

WEDNESDAYS: 7,14,21,28

Joyful Books 9:30am


Missions Prayer 12:30pm

SUNDAY: 11th

Widows Meeting 8:15am

WEDNESDAYS: 7,14,21,28

Evening Prayer 6pm

Senior Pastor

Tom Luitwieler

Admin. Pastor

Rob Wolfe

Youth Pastor

Juan Rodriguez

Worship Pastor

Scott Cresta



Mission Pastor

Leonard Sanchez

MONDAYS: 2,9,16,23

Womens Bible Study


Kim Bowser

WEDNESDAYS: 4,11,18,25

Joyful Books 9:30am


Missions Prayer 12:30 pm


Widows Meeting 8:15am

WEDNESDAYS: 4,11,18,25

Evening Prayer 6pm

THURSDAYS: 5,12,19,26

Morning Prayer 10am


Couples Potluck 6pm

EILEEN (775)972-1790

CHURCH OFFICE: (775) 856-1110

THURSDAYS: 8,15,22,29



First: Present yourself to God (Romans 12:1) for confirmation that

He has planted you in this fellowship. If so, then discover your gifts
and Gods calling your life.

Second: Study to show yourself approved unto God (2 Timothy

2:15). As you grow in your relationship with God, let Him prepare
you for effective service.

Third: Be doers of the Word (James 1:22). Commit yourself to the

work of Jesus Christ in this fellowship. Get involved as a yielded
vessel to Gods guiding anywhere He directs.

Helps Ministry: Food Pantry, Meal Ministry

Caf 2:42
Womens Greeters
Womens Monday Bible Study
Womens Conferences, Koinonias & Retreats
Womens Wed Evening & Thursday Morning PRAYER
Childrens Ministry
Fruit of Her Hands Ministry

Morning Prayer 10am

Our Desires For

Womens Ministry
To encourage deeper relationships and spiritual
growth for the women in
the body of Christ.

To provide a place where

women will be encouraged
and uplifted to seek Gods
best for their lives.

To give opportunity to study

the Word of God together
that women might grow in
the grace and knowledge of
our Lord Jesus.

To equip women to be lights

in their homes, neighborhoods and workplaces reflecting the love of Jesus
Christ to all.

Widows Meeting (Encourage &Prayer) 2nd Sunday of the Month

in Caf 2:42 8:15 am
Joyful Books Wednesdays 9:30am Womens Ministry Room
Single Moms Ministry
Fragrant Life Newsletter Contact: Kelly Gardner at 843-0650

Contact the Church Office and Fill Out a Ministry

(775) 856-1110

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