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Alex Chang

Research Questions Assignment

What are the types of Ancient Roman gladiators that were present throughout the time when
gladiator fights were used for entertainment? Did a certain type have an advantage over the
other? What skills were implemented during the battles?

How has the traditional gladiators changed into the stereotypical gladiators that have been
produced in movies and other pieces of literature for the past 10 years? Why is the general
public so accepting of the stereotypical look on gladiators?

What was the mindset when people came to watch gladiator battles? Why did they find it so
interesting and entertaining to watch? How does the mindset of gladiator battles contribute to
other violent events to happen later on in history?

Works Cited
Dunkle, Roger. Gladiators Violence and Spectacle in Ancient Rome. Great Britain: Pearson
Education Limited, 2008. Print.
Mitchell, Elvis. "Gladiator (2000) FILM REVIEW; That Cruel Colosseum." The New York
Times, 5 May 2000. Web. 1 Mar. 2014.

"GLADIATORS." The Newcastle magazine 6.4 (1827): 163-4. ProQuest. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.

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