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Holland East K-7 PTO

October 13, 2014, 6pm
Media Center
Present: Nick Cassidy, Ruby Zamorano, Anita Mulder, Li Mascorro, Amanda Ortega, Toni
Torres, Jen Van Eck, Kim Glupker, Sue Matthews, Shelly Blystra, Sara DeGarmo, Karen Vorac,
Lori Sandusky, Elizabeth DeJongh
1. Junior Crew- Beginning service projects. Note will be sent home regarding collection of items
for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
2. Reading Night/Trails of Treats- Oct.30, 5:30pm-7:15pm. Parents must accompany children to
this event. Storybook themed. Looking for families or individuals to dress up as storybook
characters and decorate a doorway. Also needing candy or small prize donations.
3. Journalism Club- Writing the school newspaper. Currently has 17 student members. Will
distribute 3x/yr. Each newspaper will sell for $0.50. First edition will be before Thanksgiving.
4. Principal report- Encourage all parents to utilize East web site for valuable information. Every
Sunday updated.
5. Box Tops- First collection Oct.21. Reminder flyer will be sent home this week. Volunteer
recruitment for clipping and counting.
6. Girls on the Run- Still looking for coaches. Anita Mulder and Kristyn Brown are the East
school liaisons. Registration begins Nov.1 online or may register in person on Nov.8 (9a-12p)or
Nov.20 (4-6pm) at Women in Transition.
7. Popcorn Friday- Two new popcorn machines bought over the summer. PTO agreed to replace
unhealthy popcorn with the healthy variety. Popcorn Friday will continue as scheduled.
8. Cookbook- Over 70 recipes entered by Karen so far. Cookbooks cost $10, will arrive before
Christmas. Encourage students to submit their recipes!
9. International Night- This will be piloted at East. Will occur sometime in January. Passport
style. Lois Mulder has poster-sized photographs of children from different nationalities to use at
this event.
10. Classroom Cash is back!
11. Grants will open for PTO- please encourage teachers to write grants! No tech or furniture or
food grants accepted.
12. PTO district is looking at by-laws and mission statement of PTO

13. Fundraiser Sale netted around $7,000 and usually brings in $20,000. Nets are down for the
district as well.


Next meeting is December 8 at 6pm in the East Media Center

Respectfully submitted,
Anita Mulder, Secretary

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