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Death has been recently described as a mini-trauma

Hmm, I disagree
I dont know why people define themselves by this finite body, quite peculiar if you ask me
Were so much more than skin and bones, blood organs and neurons
We have something immortal within us
Were made of star stuff
We have fire, water, air and earth in us, and there is spirit that flows wondrously in this body
We are not accidents, we matter, me sitting here typing this matters
You reading it matters
We all matter.. What a celebration that is
Why cant they see? That they are so beautiful
That they are so alive and so wondrous
If there is something I would like to say to the world it would be
Be Still
Just stop and be still
Close your eyes, love yourself, surrender and you will see God everywhere, He is love
But to see love, one must clear his windows of perception.
So look at the world through kindness, blast everyone you meet with love
Pray for others enlightenment and joy
Be grateful and just be you
With love always,

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