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NOTE: This guide is not updated with the frequency of the official User Guide,

so please go there first.

Howto orignally made for EJBCA 3.1.x
This document describes how to use EJBCA to create OpenVPN windows
installer programs using the nsis package. It was developed and
tested under debian.
Contributed by Jon Bendtsen.
Where to find software:
Zipfiles with OpenVPN GUIs for windows:
0) You need a working EJBCA installation
1) Install nsis
2) install the needed zipfile for use with nsis
put it in the openvpn directory under the EJBCA homedir.
3) make sure nsis works with the contents of the above zipfile
i had to change 3 letters in the zipfile from
It was in the file called setpath.nsi, which looked for a .NSH
file, but my debian supplied it as a .nsh file. Run it with
makensis openvpn-gui.nsi
4) modify the needed contents of the openvpn-gui.nsi file. The
parts i modify is right after:
# Include your custom config file(s) here.
where i write:
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\config"
File "${HOME}\config\_-ORGANISATION-_.ovpn"
File "${HOME}\config\_-USER-_.p12"
The _-USER-_ and _-ORGANISATION-_ are later used by the
to replace the _-USER-_ part with the username from EJBCA and
the _-ORGANISATION-_ part are replaced with the O= or OU= part
from the DN (Distinguised Name) from the certificate.
I also modify the
Section "Uninstall"
Delete "$INSTDIR\config\*.ovpn"
Delete "$INSTDIR\config\*.p12"
Delete "$INSTDIR\config\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\log\*.*"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\config"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\log"

to uninstall cleanly

See more in the nsis documentation.

5) re zip the source file so the new openvpn-gui.nsi and setpath.nsi
are in the source zip file.
6) Edit to suit your needs
Depending on what you want you can make this script use
different configuration files for OpenVPN.
The script uses the DN,
parts of the DN or the username from EJBCA to choose which
OpenVPN configuration will be included in the .exe file
You can even use different versions of openvpn for different
groups of people.

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