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November 17, 1796

My Dearest Son, Paul,

I will soon die but I would like to tell you my full life story, along with my accomplishments.1 You
may not know my birth name but it is indeed Sophie Friederike Auguste. My birth date is May 2, 1729. I am
the daughter of Prince Christian Auguste and Princess Johanna Elisabeth. I was born and raised as a minor
princess in Stettin, Prussia. Mother Johanna never really had interest in me, it was always my younger
brother, Wilhelm Christian, whom my mother seemed to give all her time and energy to. I envied him and
wanted more attention from my mother. Unfortunately, he passed away at the age of twelve. During those
twelve years, my governess Babette, was the one who nurtured and cared for me. I was very well educated in
my early years but I also questioned my tutors frequently. German, French, and Russian are the three
languages that I learned. My mother only started to care about me when she realized that she could use me to
help her move up the hierarchy. I received the attention but not the one that I desired. It was love and
affection that I longed for from her, but I guess that wasnt what she had in mind.
When I was an adolescent, my mother and I traveled to Russia in 1744. Knowing how to speak
Russian was indeed helpful. I became ill and had treatment. After my recovery, I was forced into a
relationship with the Grand Duke Peter. His parents were Empress Elizabeth and Peter II. Peter and I
eventually got married and I converted over to the Russian Orthodox Faith. I had also received my new name,
Yekaterine (Catherine) that time as well. We werent considered the happiest couple. My husband had affairs
and so did I. We never had deep love and affection for each other.
In 1761, Empress Elizabeth passes away and my husband takes the throne and becomes Peter III. I
wasnt treated with respect by my husband. He even discussed the idea of having his mistress rule with him
instead of me, how cruel. So I made the decision to order Peter III to step down from the throne along with
the help of Russian Lieutenant, Gregory Orlov, and several others. A few days later, Peter III had been
assassinated and no one knew why. People have said that it was Gregory Orlov, my lover, who ordered the
I began my reign as Empress of Russia in 1762, by starting off with reforming the social and political
aspects of Russia. Inspired by the writings of Montesquieu and Italian Jurist, Beccaria, I developed the
Nakaz, also know as Instructions on how the country should run. I had strong opinions with capital
punishment and torture to be outlawed and every man should be equal. In 1767, it was the first time where

Russia discussed about their problems and needs. The Instructions did not follow through immediately,
however, the ideas were the most significant to the piece. Not only did I develop the Instructions, I also
expanded Russias borders.
Everyone has something theyre passionate about, and mine was the arts and education. I believed
that everyone should have the opportunity to be educated and I made sure of that. This included establishing a
boarding school for young women and young girls from noble families in St. Petersburg. I even called for each
town to create a free school all across Russia. I was very intrigued by the Enlightenment Philosophers, so
much, that I even exchanged letters with Voltaire, a French writer, and I was also visited by Denis Diderot,
who gave me the nickname of Catherine the Great.
Someday I want people to recognize me as the Empress who change Russia for the better. For as you
know, Power without a nations confidence is nothing. I want to become a key figure of Russia and the
changes I made to this country will eventually be seen in the future. I will be known as the kindhearted
person who loved everyone, gave equal rights to men and women, and education to the younger generation, who
will be the future of Russia.

Your Beloved,
Catherine II

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