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This research work entitled "Psychological abuse and its relationship

to academic achievement in students of the Faculty of Nursing at San Luis
Gonzaga National University of Ica in 2013," was to:
Objective: To determine the relationship between psychological
abuse and academic achievement in students of the School of Nursing in
Materials and methods: The research developed is quantitative,
descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional type. The population consisted of
students from the Faculty of Nursing (between 17 years later, San Luis
National University Gonzaga De Ica) of cycle II to VIII - Second Semester
2013, with a total population of 363 students. The sample, calculated using
equation 1.96 confidence level, was 194 students.
Results: The study found that there is a slight Psychological Abuse in
the School of Nursing, by fellow students and the family (by parents, siblings
or other relatives), in the following dimensions: Humiliation, Discredit
Rejection and belittling. In terms of academic performance, it is seen that
there is a good average in the different courses of study, with an overall
average of 14 to 17 in passing grades.
Conclusion: There is significant relationship between psychological
abuse and academic achievement in students of the School of Nursing at
San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica in 2013.
Keywords: psychological abuse, academic performance, student

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