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Double troubleAfter Nick Mathiason the father of twins spends a weekend at the well-known resort, pontins, he

comes felling unsatisfied, disgusted and stunned. He expresses his feeling of hatred and ugliness in a
review which is both conversational and formal.
The review establishes a very warm and humorous mood, which makes it more persuasive in a
Youd never dream of actually paying for a pontins experience. Well, thats what I thought until we
had twins.
He also uses a friendly tone to involve readers by talking directly
This gives it a personal touch.
You may snigger. After all, youre sophisticated now.
Sarcasm, the main tone which is used was best suited as it makes it seem as if he is making jokes and
puns about the place,
if it was club class, God knows what economy was like
where the lasagne could have made a doorstop
It uses emotive writing so the reader could agree with the viewpoint of the writer and the reader
also gets a view of how it was like being the living dead themselves,
Two babies, now seven months old, who cack together, puke together but rarely sleep together.

He used two different types of vocabulary during the review depending on whether he was clearly
making a point or simply just making fun of it but Although colloquial language is not very
appropriate for writing, it comes out very effective as the vagueness can be compensated for by
colourful, formal vocabulary and expressions.
Shirts off, wobbly guts were de rigeur.
In parts he made it sound chatty and conversational so that it will be more connected to readers
Using words like,
Whereas in some parts where necessary he used very formal vocabulary like,

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