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3. Why High School Musical succeeded globally?

In the first scent, we need take into consideration who this DCOM was supposed to
aim at. That is children and relatively parents with children. Leaning on that, we
discuss 3 main reasons why HSM was a mega-hit from the giant Disney:
The very first reason is that HSM franchises were all over the world and were
translated into various languages that suited each nation in the scent of culture and
custom. In fact, when going East to China, they would have their own characters
replacing Zac Efron and Vannessa Hudgens with their domestic teen idols. This
would help the children and teenagers in China adapt with the franchise but still
giving the love the original Disney princes and princesses.
Secondly, regarding to the targeted viewers of this DCOM, Disney mixed a little bit of
each legendary tales as ingredients but, of course, in G-rated. The songs play like
thoroughly sanitized takes on the classics, with shades of Romeo and Juliet (without
death) or Grease (minus references to sex) (Meltzer M., 2006). What is more, the
East High is also complimented as the perfect and one-and-only ideal school ever.
Everyone is so educated, fun-loving, all-singing, all-dancing, teeth-flashing and
hair-tossing. Parents would love to give this picture of perfect school to kids to
make them school-loving. As we mentioned, HSM is just like Grease,
Last but not least, music is always the greatest connection. The fact is the HSM
soundtracks made storm, hurricane to the Billboard when the DCOM itself had not
been released yet. Catchy rhythms, pop songs and together dancing, those all
contributes to the kids joy.
In the nutshell, HSM succeeded not only because of the label of Disney or any
dazzling actors or actresses but the characteristics of itself. Disney is a giant but a
giant with a head. They think globally and act locally, brilliant move.

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