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CTL7016Y: Integrating Technology into the Classroom

Instructors: Dr. Jim Hewitt and Alexandra Makos


Course Description
This course deals with the use of computers in schools as educational supports for
teaching and learning. Although the word "technology" is usually associated with hardware such
as computers, video cameras, etc., the focus of this course is on understanding the relative
strengths and weaknesses of traditional and new technologies, and how they might be best used
to support learning. What role, if any, can technology can play in school restructuring? Does
technology offer the possibility of widespread educational improvement, or is it an expensive
distraction from the real problems in todays schools? In this course, we will examine these
questions and explore how teachers might thoughtfully incorporate technologies based upon their
ability to add value to students experiences.
Specific Learning Outcomes
In this course you will:
Consider frameworks (e.g., TPACK) for understanding the nature and complexities of
integrating technologies into various learning contexts
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different learning technologies
Consider practical issues in making technology work effectively across various learning
Consider the benefits and challenges of integrating technology in a variety of learning
Consider the potential value added of computer and information technologies to support
teaching and learning
Make informed pedagogical decisions with respect to how and when the use of
technology can have the greatest impact, across content areas and groups of learners
Begin to reconcile how your prior experiences with technology as a learner in K-12 and
university, and your experiences in this course, may be influencing your own
assumptions/expectations for teaching with technology.
Identify your individual learning goals for future technology-related professional
development as you enter the teaching profession, or continue teaching in your own work
Learn how to create simple presentations using SmartBoards;
Become familiar with a variety of educational software programs that run on desktops /
laptops / tablets.

Course Assignments and Evaluation

A. Course Participation: 20%
This includes your contributions to discussion, general participation, constructive peer
commentary, working to advance the understanding of the group, adding resources to the
class Ongoing List of Resources in Pepper, and participation in online discussions.

B. SmartBoard presentation: 20%

Due: Thursday October 2, 2014.
Students will create a five-minute SmartBoard presentation on a topic related to one of
their teachables and present it to the class. The SmartBoard file will be uploaded and
shared on Pepper. The purpose of this assignment is to help students in the course learn
how to use SmartBoards and begin to think about the design of SmartBoard artifacts.

C. Technology Demonstration and Review: 20%

Due Date: Varies (Please signup for presentation datesOctober 20).
There are two components to this assignment: 1) a written review of an educational
technology (5 pages) and how it might be used in a particular educational context (you
may choose to focus on any subject in either of your teachables), and 2) demonstrating
the technology to the group and discussing your evaluation of the value added features
of the software. The overall purpose of this assignment is to learn about various
technologies, and explore their possible implications for supporting teaching and learning.
Your technology review will be uploaded to Pepper for sharing with your classmates.
D. Educational Technology Symposium: What works? What doesnt work?: 15%
Due Date: Varies (Please signup for presentation dates)
In this assignment, you will participate on a discussion panel, similar in design to a
symposium at an academic conference. Each discussion panel will be concerned with
answering a simple question that might be asked by a teacher (or any interested citizen)
about educational technology: Social media: Does it have a place in classrooms?
Flipped-classes: fad or revolution? Are SmartBoards worth it? What is the role, if
any, of calculators in the math classroom? Will MOOCs revolutionize education?
Should students use laptops instead of notebooks? BYOD: Is it a good idea? Each
panel member will have five minutes to present his or her own, informed perspective on
the issue. In preparation for panel, you should review some of the existing research. After
all panel members have spoken, the audience can begin asking questions and the issue
can be discussed in greater detail.
In terms of grading, what we are looking for is not an expression of opinion (e.g., I
think) but rather a nuanced, reasoned position, supported where possible, by
academic research. You should prepare for this session by reviewing the academic
literature on this topic. This is not a debate; you dont necessarily have to answer the
symposium question with a strong yes or no answer. Rather the idea is to discuss in
detail the merits and weaknesses of different technologies when used in different ways.
E. Create a Webinar: 10%
Due: Monday October 20, 2014.
A webinar is a video consisting of a screen display accompanied by a spoken voiceover.
You will create a webinar that explains a challenging concept from one of your
teachables. We will explore in class some different strategies for creating a webinar.
F. Build a Website: 15%
Due: Thursday November 27, 2014.
Each student in our class will create a small website. You may select one of two
1. Create a website that can be used by a teacher to post homework assignments for
the class, schedule tests, provide students with resources, etc.
2. Create a website that displays your personal teaching portfolio.
You can develop your website using any one of a variety of web-based tools (we will
review some of them in class).

Course Policies
Missed Classes
If youre not feeling well, stay home. This will help keep your classmates at OISE healthy,
and it will help speed your recovery. If you are not ill, we expect to see you in class. This

course involves a large amount of student participation, so the class is weaker for
everyone when you are not present.
If you are unable to attend class, please email me before class begins. You will be
expected to review any files posted online (e.g., PowerPoint presentations) and contact a
classmate to acquire notes.
Late Work and Incomplete Assignments:
Work that is submitted late will be penalized one-half of a letter grade per day. For
example, an A paper that is one day late will be awarded an A- grade. After two days,
the paper would be awarded a B+ grade, and so forth.
Extensions for written assignments and/or make-up assignments will be granted only
under extenuating circumstances. In such cases, prior arrangement with the instructor is
necessary. Incomplete or unsatisfactory assignments will be returned to students for
revision. Students will have one week to complete the revision.
Grading Scheme
The grading scheme for this course will follow the OISE/UT Grading Practices Policy. An
course grade that is less than a B- is considered a failure.
In the University of Toronto Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, it is an offense for a
student "To knowingly represent as ones own any idea or expression of an idea or work
of another in any academic examination or term test or in connection with any other form
of academic work (i.e., to commit plagiarism). Whether quoting original work or adapting
it, always cite the source.
For reference, see handouts 'How Not to Plagiarize' and 'Standard Documentation
Formats' at and respectively.
Students with disabilities may request to be considered for formal academic
accommodation in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Students seeking
accommodation must make their requests through the University's Accessibility Services
Office located on the first floor of the Robarts Library, 130 St. George St. in a timely
manner, and provide relevant and recent documentation to verify the effect of their
disability and to allow the University to determine appropriate accommodations.
Accommodation decisions will be made in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights
Code. Accommodations will be consistent with and supportive of the essential
requirements of courses and programs, and provided in a way that respects the dignity of
students with disabilities and encourages integration and equality of opportunity.
Reasonable academic accommodation may require instructors to exercise creativity and
flexibility in responding to the needs of students with disabilities while maintaining
academic integrity.
For further information get in touch with the reception desk in Student Services at (416)
978-2277 or visit the Accessibility Services website:
To receive accommodations for this course, or other courses, documentation MUST be
on file.

Topics Explored
Teacher-centered technologies: Interactive whiteboards, PowerPoint

Learner-centered technologies
Portable computing: tablets, phones, handheld devices
The impact of educational technology on student achievement
Gender issues in technology use
Distance education
Open education and open learning tools
Technology, classroom management, and school policy issues
Web-based learning resources
Tools for collaboration and knowledge building
Assistive technologies
What will schools look like in 10 years?
Classroom management systems (e.g., Moodle)
Student response systems (e.g., iClickers)

Template for Assignment C:

Description: Describe the software and what it does.
Target Audience: What audience is this software most appropriate for?
Curriculum Connections: This is an optional section. If you are aware that the software helps
address learning expectations as specified in the Ontario Ministry of Education's curriculum
guidelines, then please describe those connections here.
Value Added: The "Value Added" section should explain why this software is worth using in the
classroom. Specifically, how does it support student learning? Why should teachers use these
tools? What do students gain, educationally, from using this software?
Best Practices: This section should explain what teachers should do to maximize the chances
that students will have positive educational experiences with the software.
Misuses and Potential Problems: What sorts of educational problems might teachers
encounter when using the software in one of their courses? What sorts of things could happen
that might interfere with student learning when using this software?
Where can I get it?: Where can the teacher get the software? How much does the software
System Requirements: This is an optional section if the software is web-based. However, if you
need a CD to install the software, then it would be useful to specify whether it runs on a PC
and/or Mac and what base level Operating Systems are required.
Keywords: List appropriate keywords
More Information: This is an optional section. If you have other useful information about the
software to share, you can provide it here.

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