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Silent Night Summary Disobedience Britain did not want to fight on Christmas Eve and oddly the other side agreed. ‘The shooting topped that evening and soldiers from both sides began to question what was happening. German soldiers walked out from behind their defenses and pu their guns down and started putting candles on trees, The british slowly began to come out of thelr defenses, Peace ‘After members from each side came out they began to understand that they both wanted peace. ‘So as they met inthe middle they agreed to have peace for Christmas Eve through Christmas day. Strangely both sides stopped completely wanting to fight and decided to exchange foods. There was absolute peace between the men. Fraternize Through al the killing the war has caused the two sides came together and celebrated Christmas. ‘They gave gifts to each other and pu ights on littl trees onthe battle ground Even though they were not supposed tobe celebrating at all or making any friendships they were fraternizing Even through all the hate the war had caused to both sides, ‘Germany wanted to celebrate Christmas and so dd Britain. What the did was go against the mission which was te fight, for peace ‘and enjoy the day with each other

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