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el primer well :se trataba de que en un

reino en lo ms lejano avia un lago
enorme donde la jente bebia un dia se
seco y todos fueron a quejarse con el
rey y el rey dijo que todos sus soldados
fueran enbusca de agua todos fueron y
ninguno encontro pero un soldado de la
preocupacion se sento en una roca a
esperar un rato cuando vio a una mujer
asercarse le y le pregunto que le pasaba
y el dijo que su pueblo nesecitaba agua
ella lo llevo a una cueva donde habia un
monton de hielos el se llebo uno y
recorrio nueva mente todo el camino
cuando llego el hielo se derritio y
nada mas le quedo un pedacito un sabio

the first well: it was a kingdom in the

farthest avia a huge lake where jente drank
it dry one day and they were all
complaining to the king and the king said
that all his soldiers were enbusca and
water were all none found but a soldier of
the concern sat on a rock to wait a while
when I saw a woman asercarse him and
asked what was wrong and said his people
nesecitaba water she took him to a cave
where there was a lot of ice the one to be
llebo toured new mind all the way when I
get the ice melted and
nothing will stay a bit more wise said they
did throw a sediment and the sediment did
and threw a piece of ice the next day had
clear water in order


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