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review of the daia and image sllows persounel to determine if a tull evasion incident wctuslly ocoucred. ‘The frame capoure systema enunlly provides a rexolution bigher theu thal captured Ibrongh time-lapse recorders. ‘This ix am advantage when alsmpiing an antornatic ficense plale reading (meaning the reading is being performed by a computer versus an cmployec). System limitations include only the camera ar the frame-capture equipment. 77.52, Obmining Clear imager: To obtain a cleat iraage of the licensc plate, the position cof the camera for the fiald of view, the shunter speed of the CCT camera, and the maintenance of the equipmenc are all important. The field of view needs to be set ho Karger than necensary 10 inaintaln a weadable License plale image (though il needs 16 cake ints accauml the placement of license plates, etter co the left or right Of the vehicle’ s cenerline for trucks and Fans). ‘The usual size employed for the best readgbifily is approximately 0.9 mi x 1.2. (3 feet high Ind femt wide), ‘To obtain clear, sharp images of moving vehicles, itis very importam that the shunter specd! ‘of the COTY camera br comectly sot. Most modem CCTV cameras bave an adjustable shunter speed feanure that opcrates sutomatically. In this automatic shutter mode, the camera adjusts the sbutter speed according to the light level present. The niainum sburter speed is based on the speed of the velcle, the angle of the camera with respect 11 the traffic fiow, die resolution of che system, che camera field of view, amd the sensitivity or Tux rating of the camera. Auxiliary lighting to supplement the ambient light al the toll lan may he roguived. Types of additional lighting can include incendescent, flucresvent, sirebe (usually for frame caprone sysleeia), oF infrared. Maintaining the equipraent is essential in receiving a sharp image. The equipment is in a diny environment, wilh grime setiling an the hausings and optics. This din, reduces image contrast, Tuvking it more difficult to read license plates, When leaning the boosing windows end cumers lenses, extra care minst be cakes to avoid scmmching the opts. F153. Gbucining che Corroct image: The following factors affect the equipments ability ta obtain a cleer image: the robustness of the toll processing algosithms, physical lane layout, position of the camera, und the vehicle scpuration sensors, Firs. the processing algarithens need to consider all possible eccurreces. The issuance of tetwantanted citations can lend to-a loss of public seppurt and can joopartize warranted citettons that are taken to court This fs why lime- Japse recorders prove more valuable in court (han g single snap-shot image. Second. che physical layaye of the lane should be desigaed to minimize unusual accurrences—for éxainple, when wo vehicles can fit between the reader and the gate or tcadle at the exit point ‘Third, the positioning and placement of the camera is important in cbuniaing a clear image. The camera is wsnally mounted 30 degrees or less in both the borizuntul end vertical directions to the side of the roadway’ the camera cam also be mounted overbewd, Thers is no perfect placement or angle for the cwmera, given that interference can core from tailgating vehicles or from a recessed vehicle body.

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