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Computer is an electronic, programmable device which manipulates/processes and stores data so that useful

information can be generated.

Computer is an automatic, high speed, digital, electronic data processing device that can be programmed to accept
data (input), process it into useful information (output), and store it away (in a secondary device) for safekeeping or
later reuse. Computer is a machine that performs tasks, such as calculations or electronic communication, under the
control of a set of instructions called program. Program usually resides within the computer and are retrieved and
processed by the computers electronics. The program results are stored or routed to output devices, such as video
display monitors or printers. Computers perform a wide variety of activities reliably, accurately, and quickly.
Computer Competency Computer Competency means being able to use a computer and perform the basic tasks
needed to work with computing efficiently.
Because of the continually increasing use of computers in our daily communications and work, the
knowledge of computer systems and the ability to work with word processing, data management, and spreadsheet
and data analysis programs have become essential requirements.

It is a machine. It needs human intervention for the computer to work.

It is electronic. It is made up of electronic components and is powered by electricity.
It is automatic. It has the ability to execute a set of instructions consecutively once instructed.
It can manipulate data. It has the ability to come up with an output, given an input data.
It has memory. It has the ability to store and retrieve information.
It has logical functions. It has the ability to perform not only mathematical operations but as well as
logical operations.


Speed. Computers process data in a relatively high speed. Computer operations like adding two
numbers are measured in milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds and picoseconds.


Accuracy. Computers process users prepared instructions. That is, if the input is wrong, it will
definitely yield a wrong output [GIGO Garbage in Garbage Out]. The so-called computer errors
are usually programming [logic errors] and encoding errors [syntax errors] that are all human errors.
Thus, the computers accuracy is 100%.


Repetitiveness. Computers can work continuously and repetitively without getting bored and fainted.
They dont take sick leaves or coffee breaks.


Storage. Computers can store a vast amount of data for present and future processing, depending on its
capacity. Likewise, they can retrieve these data anytime.


Programmable. Computers can take a series of instructions and automatically execute each instruction
one after the other. Computers are also programmed to sense if there are errors in these instructions.
Fraction of a second


millisecond = .001 secs.

nanaosecond = .000000001 secs.

Dependence on prepared instructions.

Inability to derive meanings from objects.
Inability to generate information

microsecond = .000001 secs.

picosecond = .0000000001 secs.


It can detect errors but cannot correct wrong instructions.

Subject to occasional breakdowns.


A significant portion of a persons life involves the processing of data, that is, conversion of data into
something useful and understandable. Like anyone who makes a decision as an individual as a student, as a head of
a family, as a political leader, or as an owner or manager of a business, large or small, has to process data.
Data and Information
In the course of understanding computer concepts, you will often meet the terms data and information.
These terms may be taken to mean the same. They may also be taken to mean different things by observing that
data consist of raw facts or figures gathered from one or more sources and that information is processed data.
Data is defined as a collection of unorganized facts while information consists of data that have been organized and
made meaningful to the person or persons receiving it.
Information is an essential ingredient for decision making. For individuals and organizations to achieve desired
goals, they must make decisions based on relevant information.
Information must first be available to the individual or organization before significant decision can be
made. This information may be in the form of write-ups, reports, answers to specific queries, or in any form that
makes sense to the one making use of it.
In business, information used in making decisions is called management information. The system for
providing information for decision making, planning, and control is called management information system [MIS].
Management decisions must be based on accurate information. If decisions are based on inaccurate and incomplete
information, the actual results of these decisions can be quite different from the desired results.
In a manufacturing process, the quality of the finished product depends largely on the quality of the raw
materials used to manufacture it. Hence, if defective raw materials are used in production, you will also expect the
final product to be defective. The same principle applies in the processing of data. The quality of information
depends on the quality of the data used to produce that information. Incorrect data generate incorrect information.

Accuracy. Accuracy may be defined as the ration of correct information to the total amount of
information over a period of time. For example, if only five out of one hundred bank statements are
incorrect, the level of accuracy is ninety-five percent [95%]. Inaccurate may be due to human error,
machine malfunctions, or both.


Timeliness. What is the use of accurate information if it arrives too late? Accuracy alone is not
enough. Information must be made available to management in time form decision making.


Completeness. Most managers who have to make decisions are frustrated at having information that is
accurate and timely but incomplete. They have to be provided with well-integrated facts from different
points in a business in order to have complete information.


Relevance. Oftentimes, managers are given more information than they actually need. Important
information, along with relatively useless and redundant data, is often buried in stacks or detailed
reports. Managers are then faced with the problem of having to draw out the needed information

Data Processing

It is defined as the transformation of raw data into useful information. All sectors of society are involved in
data processing. For example, aeronautical engineers are involved in scientific data processing which computes and
forecasts the position of space crafts. Businessmen, on the other hand are involved in business data processing.
Business data processing is the capture, processing, and storage of data on business activities in order to support
business activities and produce information useful for decision making. The system which performs this function is
called business data processing system. Data processing can be done by people with or without the help of a
machine and these are called manual and electronic data processing.
What is a Manual Data Processing?
A manual data processing is something that one can do all operations from data gathering to information
generation with or without the aid of machines.
What is an Electronic Data Processing?
A data processing system that uses a computer is called an electronic data processing (EDP) system. The
computer is an electronic device which operates on its own with minimal human intervention. In an EDP system,
the clerk assigned to manually collect, sort, tabulate, and type sales information would only need to enter the sales
information into the computer and push a few buttons. Within minutes, after all data have been entered, the sales
report is printed and ready for submission to the sales manager. EDP systems process large volumes of data faster
and more accurately than manual systems.
Basic Data Processing Functions
Data processing system vary widely from firm to firm. The equipment and methods that used in data
process will depend on the type of business from its size, information needs of its managers, owners, creditors, and
investors; the funds available to perform the work required; the volume of data; and many other factors. Regardless,
of the system used whether from simple manual system to the most sophisticated electronic system. There are
certain steps that must be performed in the processing procedure and these are the following:

Originating. Originating means gathering data as business transactions occur. Business data can be
gathered through different means; the most common which is the business form. Business forms, or
source documents as they are often called, vary in type. Typical examples include sales tickets, time
cards, invoices, and check stubs. Before the next step is performed, the data on the source document
should be checked to see if they are valid and accurate. If its not, therefore, it should be corrected.


Recording. The very act of origination data may also include the function of recording. However, in
many instances, this originating is only the initial gathering of data, while recording means entering or
writing data in a formal and somewhat permanent form within a record-keeping system. A typical
example of this step is entering data manually in general journal.


Classifying. This function involves in identifying data which have common characteristics and
grouping them together. For example: Consumer goods were it can be labeled, classified, and coded
by size, color, material, and so on.


Sorting. Once data have been classified, they may be arranged into the group or sequence required.
Manual sorting can be done in various ways. Data can be physically arranged into groups on the top of
a table, or data can be sorted into a pre-labeled set of pigeonholes or boxlike containers.


Verifying. The careful checking of the recorded data/information for any discrepancy and/or errors.


Calculating, comparing, and summarizing. The calculating function uses mathematical computations
involving two or more units of data to produce answers which in themselves are newly created data.
In data comparison, one data item is compared with another to determine if it is equal to, greater than,
or less than the other.

Related to the calculating function is the summarizing function of data processing. Periodically, there
is a need to determine sums or totals across a given classification of data. One good example of these
is total sales for a given period of time. The value of assets owned by the firm, or the total of individual
checks making up a payroll to determine the labor expense or the amount of cash needed in the bank to
cover this payroll.

Reporting. Data which have been processed must be presented to the user in a form that is
understandable and usable. This is normally presented in the form of written report that conveys
meaningful information to the user.


Duplicating. The reproduction of the data/information into many forms or documents.


Storing. Data could be stored through the simple recording of business transactions and records in
journals and ledgers and the filing of reports in filing cabinets as well as through a sophisticated,
computerized storage system involving various electronic devices.

10. Merging. Sets of data/information, after having been sorted by a particular similar key, are put together
to form a single sorted set of data.
11. Retrieving. Refers to recovering a stored data and/or information when it is necessary.
12. Feedback. Refers to the comparison of the output(s) and the goal set in advance. In the event that there
is discrepancy from the information, it will analyze, corrected and fed back to the origination and/or
stage of processing operation.
Elements of Data Processing System
Once a data is collected, it is processed to convert it into useful information. The data is processed again
and again until the accurate result is achieved. This is called data processing cycle.
The data processing is very important activity and involves very careful planning. Usually, data processing
activity involves three basic activities.

Input. The term input refers to the activities required to record data and to make it available for
processing. The input can also include the steps necessary to check, verify and validate data contents.


Processing. Term processing denotes the actual data manipulation techniques such as classifying,
sorting, calculating, summarizing, comparing, etc. that convert data into information.


Output. It is a communication function which transmits the information, generated after processing of
data, to persons who need the information. Sometimes output also includes decoding activity which
converts the electronically generated information into human-readable form.


Storage. It involves the filing of data and information for future use.

Classification of Data Processing


Business Data Processing. Characterized by the need to establish, retain, and process files of data for
producing useful information. In addition, it involves a large volume of input data, limited arithmetical
operations, and a relatively large volume of output.


Scientific Data Processing. It involves a limited volume of data and many logical or arithmetic calculations.
Unlike business problems, most of the scientific problems are non-repetitive, requiring a one-time

Methods of Processing Data


Batch Processing. A method in which data to be processed are collected, consolidated into groups (batch) in
order to have a convenient, efficient, and serial processing.


On-line Processing. A technique that uses devices directly connected to the CPU either for data entry or
inquiry purposes.


Real-time Processing. A method which has the capability of a fast response to obtain data from an activity
or a physical process.


Distributed Processing. It generally consists of remote terminals linked to a large central computer system
to help the user conduct inquiries about accounts, process jobs, or other data processing operations.


Pre-Modern Era

Abacus. The first man-made computing device that uses beads; invented in China.

Manual Mechanical Devices. These are devices powered by hand and require physical effort from
the user.

Napiers bones. An arrangement of bones wherein numbers are printed; invented by John

Oughtreds Slide Rule. Consists of movable bars with a precise scale, which uses
approximations for solving problems; invented by William Oughtred.

Pascaline. The first mechanical calculator (adding machine) that uses cogged wheels;
invented by Blaise Pascal

Leibnitz Calculator. The improved Pascaline which could multiply and divide; invented
by Gottfried Leibnitz.

Electro-Mechanical Devices. These are devices powered by an electric motor and use switches
and relays.

Holleriths Punch-Card Machine. The first use of punched cards to store data, developed

by Herman Hollerith.
Automatic Weaving Loom. Uses the concept of punched card to control his looms invent

by Joseph Marie Jacquard.

Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (MARK1) The first general-purpose

electromechanical computer, invented by Howard Aiken.

First Generation Computers [1951 1958]

Major Hardware Features: Vacuum tubes and magnetic drums

Processing Speed:
1, 0000 instructions per second



Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC I) the first commercial business

computer; developed by John Eckert and John Mauchly.
IBM 701 the generation computer of IBM
IBM 650 the most popular 1st generation computer

Second Generation Computers [1959 1963]

Major Hardware Features: Transistors and magnetic core

Processing Speed: 1,000,000 instructions per second
Size: Mainframes

TRADIC firs transistorized computer

IBM 7070, 7090, 1400 series

D. Third Generation Computers [1964 1970]

Major Hardware Features: Integrated circuits or chips

Processing Speed: 10,000,000 instructions per second
Sizes: Mainframes and Minicomputers

IBM System 380 the most significant 3rd generation computer

Burroughs B5500

E. Fourth Generation Computers [1971 present]

Major Hardware Features: Microprocessor or Large-scale IC

Processing Speed: 10,000,000 instructions per second
Sizes: Mainframes and Minicomputers

Apple II, TRS 80

IBM System 370, System 3090
IBM PC XT based computers
IBM PC AT based computers
Motorolla 68030 based computers

F. Fifth Generation Computers [Future]

Major Hardware Features: Circuitry based on gallium arsenide

Optical circuitry
Processing Speed

A. According to Purpose
1. General-Purpose Computers. Capable of dealing with a variety of different problems.
2. Special-Purpose Computers. Designed to perform a specific task, with limited capabilities
B. According to Data Handled


Analog Computers. Deal with continuously changing physical data such as pressure, temperature. Analog
Computers definitely used for scientific engineering and process-control purposes.


Digital Computers. Digital computers work with values that are in a discrete form. [data that can be
counted]. They are used for business applications, and also scientific operations, and are ideal when 100%
accuracy is desired, thus it is resulting to data that are exact in values.


Hybrid Computers. Incorporate in a single machine the capabilities of the analog and digital computers.
They are used in space vehicle simulations and training of astronauts.

C. According to Capacity
What is Capacity?
Capacity refers to the following:
Amount of data that can be stored in memory
Speed of Internet operation of the computer
Capacity of storage devices
Number and types of peripheral devices


Microcomputers. Small computers, which are portable. Uses microprocessor [The CPU on a chip], ReadOnly Memory [ROM] and a Random-Access Memory [RAM]. It is sometimes known as a Single-Chip
Processor or System-on-a-Chip. Examples: Desktop and floor standing units, luggable, laptops,
notebooks, subnotebooks, pocket PCs, and pen computers.


Minicomputers. Machines, which are in the middle of microcomputers and mainframes in terms of cost
and capability. Cost is between $ 20,000 and $ 250,0000 These act as servers, which are connected to
several workstation or terminals.


Mainframes. The oldest category, these are air-cooled computers bigger in sizes, about the size of a jeep
and cost from $50,000 to $ 5 million. They are used mostly by banks, airlines, and insurance companies
that handle millions of transactions.


Supercomputers. The biggest and fastest computers. They can perform 50 million instructions per second
and are used in applications such as nuclear weapon development and accurate weather forecasting. range
from $225, 000 to more than $30 million. Supercomputers are the fastest calculation devices ever


What is a System? Is an organized group of related and interdependent elements, parts, or components
interacting with one another in performing the individual and specific tasks for the purpose of meeting one or more
goals or objectives. Computer System is consists of the following:

Hardware, refers to the internal and external physical compositions of the computer. (For complete
discussion, see Chapter 2)


Software. refers to a set of instructions that is to executed by the computer. (For complete discussion, see
Chapter 3)


Peopleware. refers to the personnel involved within the computer installation or it could be anybody who
wants his job to be done with the use of computers.
Careers in Computing

Computer Operations Personnel

a.1. Computer Operator- It involves in setting up the processor and related tape and disk drives,
starting the program run, checking to ensure proper operation, and uploading equipment at the end of a
a.2. Data Entry Operator- It transcribes data from source documents into a magnetic media form thats
suitable for input into a computer system.
a.3. Program and Media Librarian- It tasked of maintaining and protecting that installations programs
and data.


Database Administrator- It establishes a data dictionary that records organization- wide data definitions
and standards. Act as a file design and database consultant to others in the organization.
Educator- employed to teach computing concepts.
Information System Manager- It refers to a manager of a department that focuses on activities such as
system analysis/ design or program preparation; must perform the functions of planning, organizing,
and controlling.
Knowledge Engineer- It work closely with human specialists to translate human expertise into the facts
and decision rules that can be placed in the knowledge base of an expert system.



f.1. Applications Programmer- It takes care of the systems specifications of analysts and transforms
them into effective and well-documented programs that perform specific tasks for users.
f.2. Systems Programmer- performs a support function by maintaining the system software
environment in which application programmers and computer operators work.
System Analyst- responsible for analyzing how computer data processing can be applied to specific
user problems, and for designing effective custom-made data processing solutions.
Technical Writer- It produces user manuals and other software documentation.

Dataware. refers to the steps specifying the manner certain activities are to be accomplished.

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