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The digital world is such a dynamic world. That s what I love about it.

But how ca
n we possible know or even imagine what our world is going to look like 10, even
5 years from now? We do not know what technologies will be available or even wh
at kind of problems the world will be facing. How can we possibly prepare our st
udents for that world?
Regardless of what country we come from, what culture we grow up in, and what ec
onomic conditions we live in we all must solve the problems in our world our local wo
rld and our global world. We need tools in order to do that. And the tools of toda
y are digital. The people who are in command of those digital tools will be the
leaders of academia, research, business, politics, entertainment, and philanthro
py.We ve got to teach the students now how to learn to design, build, program, and
reprogram their own digital tools so they can solve those problems.

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