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: World Of Self, Family and Friends


: Family

Learning Standard

: 1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy stories.

1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.


: Pupils should be able to

1-listen to a story
2-pronounce highlighted words with the correct pronunciation.
2-talk about their family with guidance


: Knowledge acquisition, Thinking skill, Multiple Intelligences

Teaching Aids

: Family photo



1. Teacher gets pupils to use their previous knowledge about family members.
2. Pupils sing a song about family together with the teacher.
3. Pupils identify family members in the song.
1. Teacher shows a photo of a family.
-Teacher tells a story about the family based on the photo shown.
-Pupils listen carefully to the story and respond to teachers questions after the
story telling.
2. Teacher stresses on a few highlighted keywords on family members found in
the family (cousin, niece, nephew, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother)
-Teacher distributes handouts (story with highlighted words)
3. Pupils listen and repeat aloud the highlighted words after the teacher with
correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Post-listening task
1. Teacher provides a box containing pictures of the family members.
2. Pupils take turns to come to the front, pick one card from the box and introduce
the person in that picture to the class.
3. In group, pupils will arrange the family members on a family tree chart provided
based on the story of the family.


Amins family

Hello friends.
This is my cousin, Amin. He has a big family .There are seven members in his family. He has a beautiful
mother. Her name is Puan Rohani. His father is Encik Ismail. He is an engineer. They are my aunt and
uncle. They have three children, Alif, Aina and Amin. They are very closed. They live together with their
beloved grandfather and grandmother in a big house.

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