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Relation with the Islamic banking system

1- Walk in customer
2- Account holder
3- ATM User
Strongly agree 2- Agree 3- Neutral 4- Disagree5- Strongly disagree
Impact of social and religious perspectives on Islamic bank selection criteria
2. To what extent you believe that you choose Islamic banking system because of religious reasons
only ___
3. To what extent you believe that the Islamic banking system has an active participation in ethical
environmental practices and positive involvement in the community (for example, giving
donations, scholarships)___
4. To what extent do you have confidence in the bank's Shariahs supervisory committee ___
5. To what extent you are satisfied with the social and friendly features of Islamic working
environment ___
6. To what extent do you believe that the Islamic bank also observes Shariahs principle fulfillment
of religious obligations ___
The role of courteous and knowledgeable staff on the Islamic bank selection criteria
7. To what extent you want to deal with knowledgeable and competent personnel in the Islamic
banks ___
8. To what extent you want to deal with the customer services personnel that are friendly in
nature ___
9. To what extent do you believe in the quality of advice offered by the bank's personnel ___
10. To what extent do you believe that the social and friendly features of bank's personnel are an
important criteria in the Islamic bank selection ___
Impact of quality of services provided by the bank on the Islamic bank selection criteria
11. To what extent do you think that the customer service quality hours of operation should be
available ___
12. To what extent do you think that the availability of online banking meets your need for products
and services ___
13. To what extent do you think that the Islamic banks have low service charges as compared to the
other conventional banks ___
14. To what extent you are satisfied with the banks effectiveness in completing transactions___
15. To what extent you are satisfied with the wide range of facilities offered by the bank ___
Impact of banks reputation in the Islamic bank selection criteria
16. To what extent do you think that the Islamic banks reputation and image plays a key role in
Islamic banks selection ___
17. To what extent do you have confidence in the bank's board of directors and Shariahs advisors
18. To what extent do you think that the network of branches can be a factor in the Islamic banks
selection ___

19. To what extent do you think that the financial strength and soundness is an important factor in
choosing any bank ___

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