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le ae eene Ta ERE GAMESTARTER | = Create Login Sign Up SUAULATED STUDENT PROJECT mee 103 Deyenemsinins BO ie : Favourite noas An Intense Online Strategy Game cer rmow Story Gallery Rewards Updates Contact Previously console gaming had been the biggest contender when games are concerned. But now in 2015 tablet and mobile gaming are set to take the console’s crown. Crustacius Chamber is a massive multiplier online strategy game. within the mobile industry they are very saturated with strategy games but not one like this. So what makes Crustacius Chamber any different from any other strategy game on the market? The fact is, It’s not just a strategy game. It is a strategy and a 3rd person explorer game. You get the most out of building your own underwater dungeon making even fit for the gods, well after all you are playing one! Where on the other hand you get to be the ultimate explorer and invader by experiencing and finding you way through the hardest labyrinth ever made! So lets get on with it, let me present Crustacius Chamber. ( ra) eS

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