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Dear Search Committee,

First Parish in Waltham has been extremely fortunate to have Janet Parsons for our intern
minister. She has been a wonderful addition to our church community, fitting in quickly, and
comfortably taking initiative. Janet is warm, attentive, well-read and a good teacher and
counselor. It is interesting and helpful to hear some personal aspects of her life and experiences.
Janet clearly has a calling for ministry and will give a new and honest assessment to any
congregation she becomes involved in. We have found Janet to be kind, patient, calm and
flexible, and has grown in confidence throughout her ministry here. The sermons and
reflections shared with us have given a new paradigm to our way of thinking, thus encouraging
stepping out of the box.
I highly recommend Janet as a full time minister, and believe she can fill the needs of your
Sincerely Yours,
Joyce Wilbourn
(Intern Committee Member)

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