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Historical Understandings


Nationalism led to independence in Vietnam and India. Nationalism is the demand for
self-rule and strong feeling for one country. The people in both Vietnam and India
were very strong when it came to nationalism. India gained independence through
nationalistic movements and non-violent protests. Vietnam gained independence
through the leadership of Ho Chi Minh and his Vietminh League. Vietnam even fought
the French and gained control of their own country. So India and Vietnam both used
Nationalism to lead them to independence.

Mohandas Gandhis belief in non-violent protest made a major impact in India. Gandhi
believed in non-violent protests against the British to lead India to independence.
Instead of violently protesting against the British Gandhi protested by doing things like
Boycotts, Gandhis hunger strikes, labor strikes, protest marches, refusal to pay taxes,
etc. The impact of Gandhis protest finally made Britain grant Indian independence.
Thats how Gandhis non-violent protests made a major impact in India.

The United States played a role in rebuilding Japan after World War Two. The U.S.
helped give financial support and helped rebuild Japans economic structure in a
market economy and a constitutional monarchy. This is how the U.S. played a role in
rebuilding Japan.

Mao Zedong was the founder of modern China. He tried many things to help China,
including the events of the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and
Tiananmen Square. With the Great Leap Forward Mao attempted to rapidly
industrialize Chinas peasant economy by collectivizing farming. The cultural
Revolution was a campaign launched by Mao to rid the Party of his rivals, but which
ended up destroying much of China's social fabric. Tiananmen Square was the brutal
crushing of pro-democracy demonstrations in 1989, when troops and police killed
several hundred unarmed people around Beijing's most famous square. This is how
communism in China was.

The reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of
containment of Communism. The reason for foreign involvement in Korea and
Vietnam was containment of communism.

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