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Vladimir Lenin: A Revolutionary

Armani Gillum & Alec Espinoza

Senior Division

The theme for this years National History Day project was Leadership and
Legacy in History, with this in mind, our group perused through the sample topics
available on the NHD website. We soon discovered Vladimir Lenin and decided to
conduct research on him to see if he piqued our interest, to determine if we could do our
project on him while having an enjoyable time while learning new and interesting facts.
Our group soon settled on Vladimir Lenin after reading his biography and concluding he
would be interesting to research further for our project.
The research our group conducted was done online utilizing search engines and
websites. We scavenged a large amount of sites, attempting to identify which would be
most beneficial for use with our project containing information relevant to Vladimir Lenin
and the NHD theme. Our group managed to discover varied and useful websites with a
plethora of information that we used to conduct research and complete our project.
Additionally, all of the images utilized within our website were also procured from the
Our group settled upon doing a website for various reasons. We deduced that a
website would be an interesting way to display and organize our information in a
fashionable manner. The website also had no monetary costs, such as those required
with an exhibit. Furthermore, a website allowed our group to work together without the
need for us to be together physically, which we certainly took into account.
Our project on Vladimir Lenin related to the theme because Lenin was the leader
of the Russian Revolution whose legacy of communism and other ideals and
philosophies still exist today. Vladimir Lenin had a great impact in history and proved to
be a capable leader. Lenin also left a legacy in the world long after his death, which can

still be observed to this day. Vladimir Lenin embodied the theme of Leadership and
Legacy in History well.

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