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[Analyzing what I have done]

What make-up tools did I use and how?

What Problems did I encounter when applying the make-up?

Using tissue alone to create an extra layer of skin can be a bit difficult
without the essential product of liquid latex. We only had glue sticks
as a substitute however it doesnt provide the consistency which once
dried, you can manipulate the thin coating of the product to create a
skin peeling effect. I researched and found that PVA glue contains the
right consistency however the removal process afterwards can be

quite painful and damaging as it adheres strongly to the skin,

therefore not recommended to apply onto the face.

Red, Blue and Black Face Paint was applied as the

base to create a bruised appearance underneath a
open wound. This imitates a realistic appearance of
how the body part affected reacts when injured. The
first colour used was red as it was the lightest in
shade which allows other colours to be able to show
up on top (compared the using dark bases). The Red
can indicate that blood was collected underneath the
skin causing the flush of colour. Secondly, Blue and
Black Paint is dabbed and blended spontaneously in
areas to show time in effect. Sometimes going over
the top with red paint again in case the base colour
was too covered up. It fits the horror conventions for
its tragic infliction from the antagonist.
Make-up Sponges help apply and blend the colours
of the paints + blood together and this allows us to
perfect rough edges and clean off harsh elements.
Fake Blood was applied within the middle of the
painted surface & around the exterior/edges of the
tissue to add gruesome factors that makes the
wound realistic and believable, as if the injury was
caused by something sharp/ a physical threat was
Tissue is used as the substitute skin that remains
from the open wound, it makes it seem as if the
wound is much deeper than expected which depicts
great pain the protagonist or victim feels.

What effect do you think the make-up will have on

the audience? The make-up informs the audience
that a danger has occurred which inflicted a certain
wound onto the body. This crafts sympathy where
people feel pity towards the victim of the threat.
However it also fits the horror convention as people
would not want to be the one to experience whatever
crafted the injury. It pulls out the fear of pain and
tragedy from the audience.

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