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No fuel, no smog and a battery that recharges itself f et ae - 1 fh Ba ae . tia ew. ia Crude but effective ~ methods of finding the guilty ig can die “legally come back ” “Alpha and meditation are not the same.. Wictelicc\aleya Mm cc Lar1 leh 3) the Alpha state” --Swami Rama “| WILL DD SOMETHING 1 have never done for envone ee, The swami assumed a lotus pesition om his bed in the smell lungretentious motel room, his legs crossed and his neck, head and buck forming a straight line. ‘Then he gradually closed his eye When he bad oxtored what appeard to be a doop edititive slate, the color of his left foot beyan to pale, Then it tumed yellowisi-whte like the foot ol a sorpse, Whon someone stuck his finger into it, the flesh remained surprisingly compressed, like chy. The swami had ataally disined all the blood from his loft foot while bis right fooe semmined norull “tis done by willpower,” ssid the Swami Rama, celebrated yg. lecturer. author and philowopher, as he came out of his meditative state “A perfect conttol of the mind.” The sami asked someone to hold bis wrist as he went into imbtier meditative trance, Within a few seconds, there was no sign of pulse in the wrist “T also reduced my heart beat to (2 beats a minute,” the Swami explained a few moments later. “The norsial beat is 79 beats a minute, “Lam doing this not to show that 1am a magician or a super human being, but 10 show that by controlling the mind fons ean control one’s bodily Functions, including the 2o-called snvoluplary muscles such as the heact and lungs, Not quite iauistied that everyone inthe room was eonvinced of whal he had just said, tte sami folded a large fowel several times and placed it over his eyes. He ten told a guest to hold the ends of the towel tightly behind is head $9 Uist there would be no wey he could see through he towel, Protos by Ee thats PROVING THE POWER OF MEDITATION India’s Swami Rama, who says true meditation is a state of “sleepless sleep,” has come to America to present his case to science BY JON SHIROTA oe a ‘Then, he told another Of the interviewers to write sarscthing, auiy hing, on a pad of paper and place the pad before hiin on the tea. Te interviewer very hastily printed, "l was bom on Maui,” and placed the pad dowa on the hed in front of the swam srosoed lees, The motionless yogi continued to hold his head hupand mide no attempt 10 look down toward the pad. After a Fey more seconds of deep meditation, his lips bexan to move, “Les born by Maui.” he finaly uttered, astounding everyone, Bion allowing for the slight stor ef A). Maui instead of on Moui, it way on incredible feat, But it bosame even mone hnoredible later when ® close exemination of the words sotibbled on the pad revealed thst the on indeed looked far more tike hy “What [soe through my miind is much clearer than what 1 can see ough my eyes" the Swami Rama sald to bis completely captive audience as he lowered the towel from ia front of his ace. “Eyes can commit errors-not my mind when Tam in meditation, It is projection of the mind, a third-eye demenstzition.”” The swami's NeXt senience Started the interviewers anew. “I can read ay book you fiave in your rooni trom here,” he Suid matler-offactiv. “I don’t hye to go to the library 10 do Foseareh. [can tad the hooke from wherever Lan. Iti called power of introspection.” On tho basin of whet they had ilreuly seen, the interviewers were not anout to challenge dis remarkable clair. BENEATH THE SURFACE Russian scientists have been experimenting with individuals who, through the power of their minds, can ceramble or confuse video and computer tapes. Dut the swamni says, “They are only. scratching the suctace,” and clams he himself can dec: an airplane or a car to go where he wants it to by simply influencing the tind of the driver! ‘The implications of such sn ability are iter fin 3g, bul she swami says there is a safely valve: this power cannot be sed for a malicious purpose. “The person kaving the power ‘wil los: it if he intervenes with the works of nature, Nature is life. Homan teins mist work harmoniously with nature oF she will have thom theown out of her sank," Al G-fvotl aad a im 178 pounds, the stately 47-yearold Swamni Rema is a5 eloquent in speaking ezch of 1] languages as he isin practicing what he has been expounding all of his He He iy a voretorian, and hit main dist while-ai the motel in Chucmont, Culivosiia yeas an assortment of nuts, fruits and apple juice, He does no! care to aitend banguels oF parries Where aleohoe beverages motivate guests and hosts 10 carry fon inne conversations; even yhen such gatherings are hold in hhishonor, “I do not have time, Tals nan diesses very slinply andl has very few worldly passessions. His uml attire consists of a shaw! wom over an ‘open white sbint and white tcusers, a pair of sandals, and a sing of mals Heads given to him by « precious friend, “Ido nnot hive much to offer you,” he apologized to his visitors at the motel, “but (pointing to a plastic bag of nuts on a able) please... help yoursel."” SANSKRIT AT TWO The sseatie ayumi was born in a

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