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Mahatma Gandhi and his

Affect on India and the World

Saniya Pangare

Junior Division
Individual Website
Words in Process Paper: 452

Thesis Statement: Gandhis leadership and nonviolence ways helped him lead India towards
freedom and his legacy has changed Indias history.
I picked the topic Mahatma Gandhi and his Affect on India and the World for many
reasons. The topic was introduced to me by my parents. After doing more research on Gandhi, I
decided that this was an excellent topic. Firstly, it relates to the theme of History Day. Also, as
an Indian, I thought that it would be good to learn about the history of India. Finally, I was
interested in researching Gandhis views about non-violence because not many people follow
this route. This is why I picked Gandhi for my History Day topic.
I collected information through many sources for my project. First, I researched general
information about Gandhi to gain basic knowledge. I took notes on important life events and
checked to make sure my sources were creditable. Then, I checked out books from the library
about Gandhi get first-hand accounts from different sources and from Gandhi himself. Finally, I
analyzed letters, speeches from that time to understand how it was like to live back then and
watched movies about Gandhi. This is how I conducted research on my topic.
As I gathered information, I started to plan my final project. I quickly decided that this
year I wanted to do a website. I chose this type of presentation for many reasons. Firstly, a
website gives you a lot of design options and allows your creativity to run free. A website allows
you to show video clips and other multimedia. I started to build my project by writing down all
of the information I wanted to present. Next, I found pictures and videos to express my point. I
trimmed down all of the information to fit the rules. Finally, I designed my website and made it
look good in appearance. This is how I created my entry.
Mahatma Gandhi and his Affect on India and the World relates to the theme of
Leadership and Legacy. First of all, Mahatma Gandhi is known for his leadership in the fight for
Indias freedom. Gandhi managed to motivate all of the people living in India to fight for

independence. He used his principles of nonviolence to show people that it was possible to defeat
the British. Gandhis legacy is India. India was created by him, hence the name father of our
nation (India). Without Gandhi, India would not have managed to gain its freedom, Gandhis
views about non-violence continue to inspire people and teach them that violence is not the only
way. This is how my topic Mahatma Gandhi and his Affect on India and the World relates to the
theme of Leadership and Legacy.

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