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Management Meetings Revised

Management Meetings Revised

Why do we need to change our monthly CDD meetings?

a. Details distract from Focus, Lack of Interest and Participation

b. Repetitiveness

c. Working by Function, No Synergies

Emerges the common need to refocus the way we are holding our meetings
to have them more effective and participate in order to encourage what
today is positive:


Enthusiasm, Involvement, Participation


Information and Strategy Sharing


Collective discussions


Management Meetings Revised

How can we positively improve our monthly meetings?

a. Refocus the subject of the meetings

b. Specificity and effectiveness

c. Improve Synergies

To better pursue these goals, instead of one meeting, we may have two:




Management Meetings Revised

OPERATIONAL MEETINGS, lead by the COO, would be participated by:

a. Plant Managers;
b. Quality;

c. Safety;
d. Industrialization;
e. Controlling;
f. HR
The Operational Meeting should analyze both the ending month and the
coming month, and focusing on continuous improvement, efficiency,
programming, quality, etc.
Sharing the best practices, receiving strategic inputs with a written minute at
the end of each meeting that collects the objectives and to whom and how
they are delivered and executed

Management Meetings Revised

BUSINESS MEETINGS, lead by the Board Members, would be participated by:

a. CEO, COO and CFO;

b. DEC;

c. Sales;
d. Purchasing;
e. HR
The Business Meeting should It should be focused on economical results, sales,
costs, with a strong analysis on numbers. Also based on the outcome of the
operational meeting, it should focus on business, cost saving, strategies and
development. The goal is sharing the sales and economical results and every
function reviewing together the current situation. There should be a written
minute at the end of the meeting. Standard content for each department has to
be defined.

Management Meetings Revised


In order to push forward the next meetings every participant should:

submit to the meetings owners within 30th September a draft of the

templates in order to have a common and shared understanding of how to
plan the next meetings;
Express possible needs or suggestions to the meetings owners on possible
subjects of workshops or specific topics to be analized and implemented.



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