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I told you one bad news.

Manufactory only give certain amphere for a small car j

ust enough to run aircond, simple audio system, headlight and tail light. If you
added any extra power accessories like subwoofer, high power audio system, 100w
headlight, etc. Your alternator can't give enough power to them. At the end, it
would be exhausted and burnt out the coil inside the alternator. So, in future,
buy a big car.
How about running the car, what is the voltage? If running the car, the voltage
is about 3.8v or more, then it should be fine because it's still in charging sta
te. It shouldn't be at below 13.5v . 13.6v or 13.7v still acceptable but better
at least 13.8v . New cars are about 14 to 14.3v . If running the car, the voltag
e is 12.1v . I guess, your alternator probably near end of life. However, you ne
ed to take it out and let the specialist technician check. To confirm whether it
is kong or just need to change the brush(carbon) inside the alternator. Belt lo
ose or not? This might cause problem sometimes. Any noise from the alternator? I
f got noise, probably bearing out of order.
But, you stated that 12.7v during the engine off. The battery look ok to me. How
about the voltage reading in the next morning you wake up? If it were at 12.3 t
o 12.6v, the battery can be still considered in ok condition. Your last question
, if the car is idling, it should be enough power to support most of the cars ac
cessories? Sorry to tell you that Kancil, Kelisa or Kenari not able to produce e
nough power to supply to just basic devices. If you add other heavy powerful dev
ice, your alternator is going to say bye bye soon or later. If you don't believe
me, try day time and night time. See the voltage reading when you stop at traff
ic light. Daytime, you just switch on the air cond and basic audio system. The v
oltage reading is just perfect about 14v to 14.2v . If night time, switch on air
cond, basic audio system, headlight and tail light, car running, the voltage is
just about 13.7 or 13.8v. Idling at traffic light, the voltage is 12.1v or could
be less. If added powerful devices, imaging how low the voltage could be? Someo
ne suggested me to turn off the headlight when waiting at traffic light. haha..
Both headlight 55w drain about 10 amp. Man, quite a lot. That's why now manufact
ory came out LED tail light and HID light. Save a lot of power. Manufactory cut
cost to produce high amp alternator. They're smart marketing.

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