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Geomerty 4th grade

1. Look at these figures. Cross out the ones that are not a polygon.

2. Write the name of polygon's parts.

3. Observe these kites and answer.

What kind of polygon are the red kites? ____________________________

What colour are the quadrilaterals? ______________________________

What kind of polygon are the blue kites? _________________________ And

the yellow ones? __________________________

Geometry 4th_Unit 3_Polygons. Maria Adrover

4. Complete this table.

5. Measure each side of the triangles and write equilateral, sisceles or scalene-

6. Draw the angles following the key. Then write with type of triangle they are.

7. Observe the triangles and classify them by the two methods.

The triangle A is scalene and acute.




Geometry 4th_Unit 3_Polygons. Maria Adrover

8. Underline with the same colour the parallel sides. Then, write with type of
quadrilateral they are.

9. Complete the quadrilaterals that are named below.

10. Classify each parallelogram.

Geometry 4th_Unit 3_Polygons. Maria Adrover

11. True or false?

All the quadrilaterals are parallelograms. _________

All the parallelograms are quadrilaterals. _________

All the rhombus are parallelograms. _________

All the rectangles are parallelograms. _________

A trapezoid is a parallelogram. _________

A trapezoid is a quadrilaterail. _________

12. Sarah has designed a new logo for a business.

She drawed it using diferent polygons.
a) Look for polygons in the logo.
b) Mark each of them with a diferent color.
c) Write the name of each polygon.

13. In a neigbourhood there are diferent parcels.

1. Which parcels have not a quadrilateral shape? Classify them.
2. Whiche parcels have a parallelogram shape? Classify them.

Geometry 4th_Unit 3_Polygons. Maria Adrover

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