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English III Grammar Syllabus
Course Goal:
The goal of this course is to enhance three major areas of the English language: reading, writing,
and grammar.
Course Breakdown:
Grammar Chapters*
Chapter 14: Parts of Speech
Chapter 15: Parts of Sentences
Chapter 16: The Phrase
Chapter 18: Agreement
Chapter 20: Clear Pronoun Reference
Chapter 24: A Glossary of Usage
*Additional chapters may be covered if necessary
F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby
Supplemental articles
Novel Analysis
RESEARCH PAPER!!!!Failure to complete research paper will result in FAILURE OF
Materials Needed
Textbook (issued by teacher)
Notebook /Loose-leaf paper
Writing Utensil (Blue/Black Pens or Pencils)

Assignments will be graded on a point system. Letter grades will be assigned according to the
HHS handbook. Homework is a major percentage of your grade. Homework grades are based on
completion and/or accuracy.
Other assessment will come in the form of journal entries, quizzes, tests, ACT practice tests,
writings/essays, projects, and the RESEARCH PAPER.
Plagiarism Policy:
Plagiarism or cheating is not tolerated! If a student is found to have violated either offense in any
form, he or she will receive an automatic zero and suffer the disciplinary consequences outlined
in the student handbook. Plagiarism may include any of the following:
1. Submitting as one's own an assignment by someone else
2. Copying someone else's words, ideas or answers and representing them as one's
3. Using material from another source without using notes to document said source
4. Omitting quotation marks from material that is quoted word-for-word from
another source
Additional Notes
Follow the classroom and school rules.
TURN IN YOUR RESEARCH PAPER (and your homework, of course)!

When to Find Me: Before school Monday-Friday usually by 7:45 am

After school until 3:30
During 4th hour prep period

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